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Hi guy,


I'm newbie in Johto and I'm a bit confused. :confused:


What can I use from Kanto and what can't I?




bike = yes

potions = yes

pokes = no

tm's and hm's = yes

all tm and hm works without badge = ????

rod = ???? ( It makes the animation but I think it's not working)


I have got only one "rock smash" and I only would like to use it if it was working out of battle



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238479 Hi guy,


I'm newbie in Johto and I'm a bit confused. :confused:


What can I use from Kanto and what can't I?




bike = yes

potions = yes

pokes = no

tm's and hm's = yes

all tm and hm works without badge = ????

rod = ???? ( It makes the animation but I think it's not working)


I have got only one "rock smash" and I only would like to use it if it was working out of battle




you need 8th badge in johto to be able to use your kanto pokemon

hm/tm work in battle w/o johto badge but you need badges when using them outside of battle



you need 8th badge in johto to be able to use your kanto pokemon

hm/tm work in battle w/o johto badge but you need badges when using them outside of battle


ok but do you have some list or link about what bandage I need for what?


I didn't find =/



you need 8th badge in johto to be able to use your kanto pokemon

hm/tm work in battle w/o johto badge but you need badges when using them outside of battle


ok but do you have some list or link about what bandage I need for what?


I didn't find =/


if you mean is badge

you need 1st badge to use headbutt and cut

4th/fog badge for surf outside

238479 Hi guy,


I'm newbie in Johto and I'm a bit confused. :confused:


What can I use from Kanto and what can't I?




bike = yes

potions = yes

pokes = no

tm's and hm's = yes

all tm and hm works without badge = ????

rod = ???? ( It makes the animation but I think it's not working)


I have got only one "rock smash" and I only would like to use it if it was working out of battle



~ Topic moved to proper forum. ~


You don't need any badges to use Rock Smash outside battle. As for Fishing Rods, if you're getting the "..." animation above your head when using the Fishing Rod, it's working properly. It may take some time to encounter an actual Pokemon, though, so keep using the Rod until a battle window pops up.

238481 Surf and the rods need the 4th badge in johto to work.

You don't need the 4th badge to use rods. They work fine without it as I was using the water in Ecruteak to train before the gym.

This is correct, you don't need any badges to use Fishing Rods in Kanto or Johto. However, you do need five badges to use a Fishing Rod in Hoenn, which is where the confusion may have arisen from. :)



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238481 Surf and the rods need the 4th badge in johto to work.

You don't need the 4th badge to use rods. They work fine without it as I was using the water in Ecruteak to train before the gym.



I was mistaking jhoto with hoenn





238479 Hi guy,


I'm newbie in Johto and I'm a bit confused. :confused:


What can I use from Kanto and what can't I?




bike = yes

potions = yes

pokes = no

tm's and hm's = yes

all tm and hm works without badge = ????

rod = ???? ( It makes the animation but I think it's not working)


I have got only one "rock smash" and I only would like to use it if it was working out of battle



~ Topic moved to proper forum. ~


You don't need any badges to use Rock Smash outside battle. As for Fishing Rods, if you're getting the "..." animation above your head when using the Fishing Rod, it's working properly. It may take some time to encounter an actual Pokemon, though, so keep using the Rod until a battle window pops up.

238481 Surf and the rods need the 4th badge in johto to work.

You don't need the 4th badge to use rods. They work fine without it as I was using the water in Ecruteak to train before the gym.

This is correct, you don't need any badges to use Fishing Rods in Kanto or Johto. However, you do need five badges to use a Fishing Rod in Hoenn, which is where the confusion may have arisen from. :)



thank you


I thought rod wasn't working because a I didn't fish anything in some tries.

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