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Daycare Leveling & EV Training Service


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Your Ingame name: Neo007

Pokemon's name: Feebas and Snorlax

i want ev train : (Feebas : 252def, 252hp and 6 spdef ) , ( Snorlax 200def and 58spdef )

Starting/Finishing level: Feebas 24-97 and Snorlax 42- 95

Because Snorlax have 252hp

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294125 Your Ingame name: Neo007

Pokemon's name: Feebas and Snorlax

i want ev train : (Feebas : 252def, 252hp and 6 spdef ) , ( Snorlax 200def and 58spdef )

Starting/Finishing level: Feebas 24-97 and Snorlax 42- 95

Because Snorlax have 252hp

Snorlax for Setzuen , have only Feebas

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  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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Guest SugarRed9
294397 who should i message in yellow server if i want to use this leveling service?

You can try to message any of the daycarers or just post what you want done in this thread and one of us will contact you.

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