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teleport bugg r11 to ..r6?


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I never used new feature teleport, and i won't i guess.. so i can't tell if the bugg is global or just for this place, but using the magnemite to teleport myself throug route 11, i finished on.. route 6, without any move possibility. I'm stuck and i can't see my character on the field, so i guess this is a huge bugg.

Moreover, disconnect/reconnect doesn't fix the issue, i'm still invisible on the map and can't move. (tried just dc/rc and reloading the client)

The only solution i've found is to use an escape rope, which isn't owned by all the players .. You should take a look on it, and maybe on other teleportation spot. :confused:

I tried using dig to pass through r2 to r11, and without digging, so the bug isn't linked with dig travel. (didn't tried with subway but i guess i would be the same)









Hope this won't block players



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243539 Hi,


I never used new feature teleport, and i won't i guess.. so i can't tell if the bugg is global or just for this place, but using the magnemite to teleport myself throug route 11, i finished on.. route 6, without any move possibility. I'm stuck and i can't see my character on the field, so i guess this is a huge bugg.

Moreover, disconnect/reconnect doesn't fix the issue, i'm still invisible on the map and can't move. (tried just dc/rc and reloading the client)

The only solution i've found is to use an escape rope, which isn't owned by all the players .. You should take a look on it, and maybe on other teleportation spot. :confused:

I tried using dig to pass through r2 to r11, and without digging, so the bug isn't linked with dig travel. (didn't tried with subway but i guess i would be the same)









Hope this won't block players




244496 yeah same here i used magnemite near the diglett cave and its teleport me on route 6 in a tree :(



The Magnemite has been fixed.


If your account is still stuck, please contact staff on the official support chat because we need you to be online to bring you back to where you were. It might take some time to get a staff on the chat but I would advise you to be patient and wait in the chat if you want to get unstuck asap. Tip: it would help as well if you use your game name in chat so if a staff comes online and finds you there, they can directly find you instead of you having to keep watch. Not all staff on the chat can help you in game, so just be patient until one who can logs in.


Official discord chat.

Be polite and patient if you need support. While users with the symbols +, % and @ are the chat staff, they are not necessarily also game staff, but they can usually advise you. That said, forums are better for reporting issues and bugs.

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