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Suggestion - Might give the lag a bit less impact


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Hey guys,


I might have an workaround to give the lag a bit less impact. So i will post this mesage as an suggestion.

I'm wondering if mods from this game can turn off the Auto Attack on NP'c for now.


If you are attacked by a trainer you have to wait for 5 minutes and even then, sometimes you freeze. When the auto attack is turned off, it would be a players own fault for reaching out to the npc.


Ofc this wont fix the issue but makes it a bit less frustrating if you are out traveling from town to town.


Kind regards,


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there are already teleport pokemon in most routes.


NPCs are supposed to auto-attack, else why else would they be there?


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249504 there are already teleport pokemon in most routes.


NPCs are supposed to auto-attack, else why else would they be there?


I know that they are supposed to do auto attacks. but when it happens know, you freeze befor the conversations start. if you logg off and back in, you end up in the same situation

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