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Helping New Players leave Pallet Town


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This suggestion is more towards the CS team I believe.


I've been playing for a few hours lately, and i've noticed that a lot of new players, including myself, had a little trouble leaving Pallet Town. From what I can tell, to be able to actually leave the area you have to talk to the Eevee that is running around, which is usually hidden by players to be able to leave. My suggestion is to include a dialogue, from either the Mother, or Professor Oak [Preferably the Professor], to state that they have seen a worried Eevee roaming about to the north.


This will help players be able to know where to go, and not be stuck from leaving the area trying to figure out what to do. This little change will also provide a little clarity as well towards the players, not leaving new players tossed into the game not knowing what to do!


Thank you very much for considering my suggestion. :)

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