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Well I don't know how to post but here it goes.


My PRO IGN is Nexiii. It was something that came up with that because the game doesn't allow all caps. Im still fairly new to the game considering that my total game time is still around 25-30 hours but I've been playing the game for a week now.


I was invited by a friend of mine. Well that friend is somewhat active somewhere in this forum and due to some stuff between us, I decided to make this post.


As far as the game concerns, I currently enjoy the story of the game. It doesn't only give a new taste to the story of the main game, but it also reflect to some interesting concept from various Pokemon stories. Most of the evident stuff I notice are those that came from Pokemon Specials manga which include the ability of Lance to communicate with Pokèmon and first Mew appearance in the game. I like how the story are well connected.


I'm also into anime/manga but for that part, better check my MyAnimeList account.

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