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So i had this pokemon of a while now just setting in pc and i wanted to share it with others . this is my epic fail to day :confused:


The price went from 10m to 10k very quick :Crazy:

So what is your epic fail pokemon ? :Nervous:


Update :

So i catched this today ! to add to add insult to injury hidden power is : Dram Dram Dram "ICE"!!!


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Re: Your epic fail pokemon!


<t>[insert pretty much every time my sync has failed me here]<br/>


I swear my syncs hate me. They always fail whenever I find a 'mon I want with epic stats. Also, I'm really sorry for your loss. That would have been a near-perfect Talonflame if it was Adamant/Jolly.</t>

Re: Your epic fail pokemon!


<t>not worth for me to printscreen but my worst are<br/>


- all 26+ swinub with bold nautre, no thick fat so i geuss not so bad.<br/>

-22+ h.a poliwag, had bold sync, it is mild nature. it still + special attack so not so bad...<br/>

- countless 31+ gastlies with decent overall stats ( sync fail )<br/>


.... im just waiting to get a 25+ adamant shiny shellder with shell armour haha</t>

Re: Your epic fail pokemon!


<r><QUOTE author="IceAurorus"><s>

</s><POST content="256138"><s></s>256138<e></e></POST> Not me but i saw someone in trade chat selling a level 99 bulbasaur clone. Which means it could never become a venasaur. He then started offering to sell the lvl 100 Ivysaur clone.<e>

Ouch poor guy, must have forgotten to evolve it</r>


Re: Your epic fail pokemon!


<r><QUOTE author="Shiio"><s>

</s><POST content="257261"><s></s>257261<e></e></POST> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/simvHdG.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/>




The story of my life. That picture is just too perfect.</r>

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