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Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow *Winner*<Duynghia>

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Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow HAS OFFICALY STARTED


<r><QUOTE author="Psytalin"><s>

</s><POST content="296830"><s></s>296830<e></e></POST> eh when i click on the brackets link i only see the generator to create my own brackets.. ;D<e>

You will be facing dr3adlord and for toes who cannot see brackets here a updated link <URL url="https://challonge.com/tournaments/bracket_generator?ref=QH14N0cWbK"><LINK_TEXT text="https://challonge.com/tournaments/bracke ... QH14N0cWbK">https://challonge.com/tournaments/bracket_generator?ref=QH14N0cWbK</LINK_TEXT></URL></r>


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Guest SugarRed9

Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow HAS OFFICALY STARTED


<t>Hey to whoever I face in the second round,<br/>

I get off of work at 8:30pm NAcentral timezone(UTC−6:00).<br/>

Feel free to pm me so we can schedule our match :)</t>

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Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow HAS OFFICALY STARTED


<r><QUOTE author="xrevolutionx94"><s>

</s><QUOTE author="Psytalin"><s>
</s><POST content="296830"><s></s>296830<e></e></POST> eh when i click on the brackets link i only see the generator to create my own brackets.. ;D<e>

You will be facing dr3adlord and for toes who cannot see brackets here a updated link <URL url="https://challonge.com/tournaments/bracket_generator?ref=QH14N0cWbK"><LINK_TEXT text="https://challonge.com/tournaments/bracke ... QH14N0cWbK">https://challonge.com/tournaments/bracket_generator?ref=QH14N0cWbK</LINK_TEXT></URL><e>


i still come straight to the generator to create brackets myself ^^ ill try another browser or something<br/>


ok now it works weirdly after i put it on english ;D<br/>



Ah i couldn't reach Dr3eadlord, was pretty much the whole day on and tried to pm him every now and then. Have to sleep now because of work so i'm back online at around 16:00 western european time</r>

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Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow Round 3 Brackets Updated


<r><URL url="https://challonge.com/RevosTournamentt.svg"><s>http://</s>https://challonge.com/RevosTournamentt.svg<e></e></URL> round 3 brackets made for those who didn't make it to their selected opp I gave the person trying the hardest to get into the pvp match the win also a lot of them pmed me so I gave then a 1uo vs the people that weren't communicating or PMing me so yeah here it is again <URL url="https://challonge.com/RevosTournamentt.svg"><s>http://</s>https://challonge.com/RevosTournamentt.svg<e></e></URL></r>


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Guest SugarRed9

Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow Round 3 Brackets Updated


<t>@Psy I will try to be on early tomorrow (for me) to fight you :3</t>

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Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow Round 3 Brackets Updated


<r><QUOTE author="nicksupergod"><s>

</s><POST content="296836"><s></s>296836<e></e></POST> yeesss it is timmee <E>:devil:</E> good luck to all and have fun my goal is to make it pass two rounds it is going to be tough since i am going against someone really good the first round lol <E>:confused:</E> but i am not going to let that stop me <E>:devil:</E><e>


hey, do pm or add me in game whenever you come online. thanks and good luck buddy</r>

[glow=red]Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.[/glow]

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Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow Round 3 Brackets Updated


<r>Wait a sec... I tried messaging my opponent constantly while I was on, even talked to an rukittenme guy who seemed to have something to do with the tourney about it. Did he show up after I logged off tonight? Just want to let the record show that I did indeed try to find my guy <E>:D:</E></r>

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Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow Round 3 Brackets Updated


<r><QUOTE author="pentagon1802"><s>

</s><POST content="297379"><s></s>297379<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="nicksupergod"><s>
</s><POST content="296836"><s></s>296836<e></e></POST> yeesss it is timmee <E>:devil:</E> good luck to all and have fun my goal is to make it pass two rounds it is going to be tough since i am going against someone really good the first round lol <E>:confused:</E> but i am not going to let that stop me <e>


hey, do pm or add me in game whenever you come online. thanks and good luck buddy<e>


alright man i am going to be on around 1:00 eastern time because of school but trust me i'll be on <E>:Crazy:</E></r>






[glow=red]"In this world,where ever there is light - there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be loosers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love."[/glow]

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