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38106 level the weaker ones to lvl 65, and make sure absol has sucker punch. With that, I think you can go quite far.

Where would I be able to get sucker punch or is it possible to get it from the move re-learner?


I believe it is possible through relearner.

Honestly I soloed the E4 with a level 89 Gengar with +SPATK -SPDEF nature (23 spatk IV, 1 speed iv) and a really good gyarados (neutral nature, all IV's above 25 w/ intimidate).


Gyarados had Dragon Dance, Aqua Tail, Ice Fang, forgot 4th move but I didn't use it. Gengar had Psychic, Shadowball, Thunderbolt, Dark Pulse.


I killed everything on the first E4 w/ Gengar, same with second E4. The ghost one I killed by just using shadowball/psychic. Now for Lance I used Gyarados w/ Ice Fang until Dragonair. From Dragonair I used Dragon Dance 5-6 times, a few hyper potions (I tanked the moves, they only took 1/3 of my hp) and 1 shot the rest of them. For Gary it was mostly my gengar w/ thunderbolt and psychic and the such. Never used a revive.

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