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Goldenrod quest bug


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PRO Username: Hinoctopus


Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes


On which server issue happened: RED


What have you done before the problem was there? Just a little disconnect because of my connexion.


What have you already tried to solve the problem? Of course


Description and Message


I was looking for the pokemon in the crates and disconnected during the research because of my connexion. After that, some Pokemon wasn't in the crate (like the chikorita for exemple (Yeah I was looking a tutorial for that because im lazy). I can enter the levers room, but I want switch the Lever A. Nothing happened~

Thanks to help me for that bug ^-^ ! I already found a topic with that bug but there wasnt answers D: ! (the topic was written by the player "Subbbaruh" (I cant paste a link because im nex) this is exactly the same bug)

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I was looking for the pokemon in the crates and disconnected during the research because of my connexion. After that, some Pokemon wasn't in the crate (like the chikorita for exemple (Yeah I was looking a tutorial for that because im lazy). I can enter the levers room, but I want switch the Lever A. Nothing happened~

Thanks to help me for that bug ^-^ ! I already found a topic with that bug but there wasnt answers D: ! (the topic was written by the player "Subbbaruh" (I cant paste a link because im nex) this is exactly the same bug)


If you have not rescued all the pokemon from the warehouse, that won't prevent you from using the levers. By being able to get in that new room, it means you have completed the warehouse mini quest.


I cannot see why the lever would not work, however. If it still doesn't work, can you come on the live chat when you are online and request for a content scripter? If I'm around I'll try to see what is wrong. If not, try to stay around the live chat as much as you can until a content scripter comes around.


Official discord chat.

Be polite and patient if you need support. While users with the symbols +, % and @ are the chat staff, they are not necessarily also game staff, but they can usually advise you. That said, forums are better for reporting issues and bugs.

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Resolved :)


Official discord chat.

Be polite and patient if you need support. While users with the symbols +, % and @ are the chat staff, they are not necessarily also game staff, but they can usually advise you. That said, forums are better for reporting issues and bugs.

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