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Hey guys!


I have a preference question for you:


What would you prefer: Game Design over rarity or Game Desing over diversity?



What do I mean with rarity?


A game designed around rarity is giving away its loot (here pokemon) with really low spawn rates so you rarely encounter the valuable pokemon. This system creates very special and very important pokemon since the odds of getting another one are extremely low. This separates you from other community members which either weren't as lucky as you or don't have the time/money to afford these top tier pokemon.


People in PvP will try to get their perfect team and hone it with better and better IVs until they can get to the top of the rankings.


Obviously PRO already features this system.



What is diversity?


A game designed around diversity is giving away its loot (pokemon) very generous on top tier quality. It is usually rather easy to get top tier pokemon with maximum IVs. This of course requires a huge diversity in content so that a single "perfect" pokemon doesn't matter that much like it would be in the rarity system. This could be done by implementing a lot of different pvp leagues that only allow certain pokemon into it (Smogon University formats for instance).


People in PvP will try to get a lot of different teams to be able to participate in different leagues and won't focus so much on getting that one team with perfect pokemon.



What is your opinion on this?


Would you prefer the current system where the chat basically freaks out when you post a perfect IV roll on your pokemon?


Would you rather get those "rare" pokemons relatively easy but have to train a lot of different species for all the different PvP leagues?

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I would, without any hesistating, rather keep the current system. If it was easier, it would be pointless to play if you ask me. I would probably even leave.


Hunting a rare pokemon for hours and then finaly getting a good (not even epic or godly, just good) one is satisfying. If everything was easy the game would become boring to play and it would end up like another pokemon game I cannot mention. People would leave, definitely.


I'm really glad that PRO choose this system, and I would give anything to not change it.




nb: By the way, I'm interested in addind the Smogon's leagues. Being able to play in UU, NU etc would be very cool. Atm, we're only using Ubers/OU pokemons and I feel like there is no diversity in PvP. But still, if it ever change, I'd like to hunt even a common pokemon to death to get the perfect one.

I would keep the current system. I have experience in another pokemon fangame that follows the latter format. It got boring real fast, just spend a hour to catch a pokemon, breed it till its perfect, rinse, repeat. However, i would love smogon style formats.





I want keep current system. It is very frustration if changing to give away pokemon easy as I am PvE, I enjoy farm and sell it. If pokemon can get easy, nothing called market, because no one want buy my pokemon as everyone can get it. Trade chat die soon, MMO game become single player, or Smogon time. It can fun at begin, but after that nothing keep me to the game. I have nothing to do, PvP? Mehh, if that I will play some special for only PvP rather than. I am fan of RPG and hunting is the part of it. Loot should be hard to get, if it easy.... you want destroy my fun? T_T

As per my understanding, that "diversity" idea is close to implementing a breeding system. That also loses the excitement and worthiness of efforts in-terms of grinding a poke.

266715 Would you prefer the current system where the chat basically freaks out when you post a perfect IV roll on your pokemon?


So, I would prefer that.





Our present sufferings are not worth comparing

to the glory that will be revealed in us.

-Romans 8:18

The game's good the way it is, minus the grind fest for training (that includes EVs). I would love to try out unconventional Pokemon builds (ie physical Alakazam) just for laughs and giggles, but it seems like a waste of time thanks to having no Power Items in the game and the cruel Exp system.

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