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Send me a PM if interested in any of the shinies.






Updated 2:


Diglett sold for 50k, got a Muk and Tentacool


Updated 3:


Added Competitive Shiny Nidoqueen (best one in the server) and Shiny Electrode.




Updated 4: Shiny natu and one of the rattata sold. Added shiny voltorb.

Re: Eldra Shop of Shiny Wonders (Updated Shiny Natu, Sandshrew)


<r><QUOTE author="Domonoco"><s>

</s>50k on hoothoot, 60k on oddish, 60k on weedle<e>


Definitely not bad offers; I'd consider it. Just a disclaimer, I tend not to do quick businesses (considering the nature of price inefficiency in the current economy) so it might take a bit of time to make deals. Apologies to those who are looking for fast transactions. I do appreciate and thank you for your interests, however :)</r>

Re: Eldra Shop of Shiny Wonders (Updated Shiny Natu, Sandshrew)


<r><QUOTE author="Eldra"><s>

</s><IMG src="https://s16.postimg.org/f4jjs60sl/shiny_pokemon.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>


<IMG src="https://s7.postimg.org/4f5opieff/Pokemon.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>


Send me a PM if interested in any of the shinies.<br/>





this picture is too small..</r>

Re: Eldra Shop of Shiny Wonders (Updated Shiny Natu, Sandshrew)


<r>Are you interested in obtain more shinies? I have a Tentacool and a Fearow shiny.<br/>


<QUOTE author="alexdniel"><s>

</s><QUOTE author="Eldra"><s>
</s><IMG src="https://s16.postimg.org/f4jjs60sl/shiny_pokemon.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>


<IMG src="https://s7.postimg.org/4f5opieff/Pokemon.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>


Send me a PM if interested in any of the shinies.<br/>





this picture is too small..<e>



If you click on them, you will make them bigger.</r>

Re: Eldra Shop of Shiny Wonders (Updated Shiny Natu, Sandshrew)


<r><QUOTE author="thenerdone"><s>

</s>Interested in the Venomoth, what are its ivs and nature?<e>


Just got back, will check on it later when I get on. Also just to clarify, it's a venonat :)<br/>


<QUOTE author="alexdniel"><s>

</s><QUOTE author="Eldra"><s>
</s><IMG src="https://s16.postimg.org/f4jjs60sl/shiny_pokemon.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>


<IMG src="https://s7.postimg.org/4f5opieff/Pokemon.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>


Send me a PM if interested in any of the shinies.<br/>





this picture is too small..<e>



As per requested, updated sprites of all shinies current in position.<br/>


<QUOTE author="Freilica"><s>

</s>Are you interested in obtain more shinies? I have a Tentacool and a Fearow shiny.<br/>


<QUOTE author="alexdniel"><s>

</s><QUOTE author="Eldra"><s>
</s><IMG src="https://s16.postimg.org/f4jjs60sl/shiny_pokemon.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>


<IMG src="https://s7.postimg.org/4f5opieff/Pokemon.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>


Send me a PM if interested in any of the shinies.<br/>





this picture is too small..<e>



If you click on them, you will make them bigger.<e>



Thank you so much for your clarification :D<br/>

Also, not really looking into adding common shinnies, but if you do offer a good enough price for tentacool I might as well take it and list another here xD. Do note that I don't pay high for them though, but if you simply want to get some spare cash out of it, feel free to PM me a price :)</r>

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