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So I grew up in the 80s, with my sega mega drive.. my younger brother on the other hand - he had em gameboys in-mass.. just a few months ago I started with emulators, walking my way through the generation 1 games.. I do admit, a certain GO game made my interest peak, though I never tested that one.. but I have fallen completely!


However.. Im still very inexperienced.. found revolution a few days ago, and is really really enjoying the game so far. Im hanging out on the red server.


So - *greets*

Rives[Red server]


catch you on the flip side

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269655 So I grew up in the 80s, with my sega mega drive.. my younger brother on the other hand - he had em gameboys in-mass.. just a few months ago I started with emulators, walking my way through the generation 1 games.. I do admit, a certain GO game made my interest peak, though I never tested that one.. but I have fallen completely!


However.. Im still very inexperienced.. found revolution a few days ago, and is really really enjoying the game so far. Im hanging out on the red server.


So - *greets*

Hey Rives ! Welcome to PRO, enjoy your stay ! :Crazy:










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thnx again Nathan, and Badr ill make sure to read em rules and guides :)


Edit: to avoid spamming too much, I just realised you were the creator of the Kanto guide Ive been using from day one Nathan - so Id like to thank you yet again for outstanding resources. Great job!

Rives[Red server]


catch you on the flip side

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