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Make Mew + other legendaries tradable


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Weird, I was exactly talking about it with a friend few minutes ago.


I'm totaly against this idea. I think Mew (and Celebi/Jirachi) should be a personnal reward for your investment in game so they should stay untradable.


Buuut, I also think they should be removed from the pvp list and enter the ban list permanently.


As you said, me and a bunch of people truly think using Mew (and especialy this one) in PvP is really unfair. The pokemon himself is overpowered, also, it can be used as you wish so it's totaly unexpectable but it isnt the current subject.



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269772 Hello,


I think its a big mistake to make legendaries like mew untradable. Especially Mew is an extremely strong Pokemon in PvP and those who had luck while catching it (top ivs, best/good natures) just have an advantage, because they can use it in PvP.

hello :Grin: thanks for the suggetion , but this for sure won't happend people will make easier money and legendarys shouldn't be tradable , people who finished the quest will multipe get it by other accounts , so that why its kind of a bad idea , think again , making legends tradable will make game easier ... about the pvp you may be right , the legendarys are UBERS compared to others so , but in the same time they are baby legendarys i mean , mew jirachi celebi they aren't like mewtwo etc....



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Guest LiquidSnakeK

Once you can scout its movepool it becomes extremely easy to deal with. This doesn't include the fact that it doesn't have particularly good typing being only psychic. While it can be seen as an advantage that its a legendary and only few people have usable mews for pvp, its also not that large of a gap considering its pretty easily dealt with once you know its moveset and apply the appropriate response.

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269819 Once you can scout its movepool it becomes extremely easy to deal with. This doesn't include the fact that it doesn't have particularly good typing being only psychic. While it can be seen as an advantage that its a legendary and only few people have usable mews for pvp, its also not that large of a gap considering its pretty easily dealt with once you know its moveset and apply the appropriate response.

269819 Once you can scout its movepool it becomes extremely easy to deal with. This doesn't include the fact that it doesn't have particularly good typing being only psychic. While it can be seen as an advantage that its a legendary and only few people have usable mews for pvp, its also not that large of a gap considering its pretty easily dealt with once you know its moveset and apply the appropriate response.

Yes i know , legendarys are legendarys not matter what , i'm just saying they are not like mewtwo etc..



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