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List of Suggestions #1


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Alright I had a lot time processing through my mind about ways to improve the game in my opinion. :Heart:


Not sure if the list of things i'm about to suggestion have already been discussed (so sorry in advance) and I already looked at all the things that will NOT be in the game at all.


With that said, everyone has different opinions and I would love to hear feedback and maybe get some of these suggestions at least considered/ looked at. I also may add to the list at any given time if I come up with more stuff.


Note: None of my suggestions are going to be top priority, i just want to suggest things and get them off my chest as i go because I have been playing Pokemon for about 13 years and when i found this site, i was extremely happy and felt all nostalgic because so far (only have 4 badges) I really like the game overall.


NO, I won't keep arguing or debating for my suggestions to be put in the game (if you don't agree, then you don't), i'm just going to keep the list up and keep expanding it throughout my time here until I run out of ideas... lol... unless they decide to lock this topic, in that case i will start a list of suggestions #2 and maybe a #3


List of Suggestions: (Currently 1-3)


1. Daycare: OK, I know there will never be breeding and I for one am actually okay with this, it does not bother me at the slightest because I read the reasons why they said heck no and never to this idea and even though it will be missed, I understand the reason why. What I want to suggestion is old fashion daycare. For those who have never played an older game, Kanto can only raise one Pokémon at a time and in Generation I, the Day-Care Man will not accept any Pokémon that knows an HM move. I believe that we should be able to leave 1 pokemon at a time in the daycare like the 1st game in all the regions.


Reasons: this will be a good money sink, this will get people to still walk everywhere/ grind/ hunt for shinies and get people to walk back and forth to the daycare to check on pokemon which won't take away grinding/ shiny hunting. Now, I know your thinking: ugh more walking/riding bike/mount just to wait for your pokemon to level, and what if we just walk back and forth/riding without encountering pokemon just to have the steps? to which i say: you walk/ride bike/mount everywhere anyway and while you are leveling up 6 pokemon at a time, you have 1 more in the daycare leveling up as well, just at a slower rate. As for walking/riding on the road just to get steps instead of encountering wild pokemon, i honestly don't know how they could put it in so you have to grind in order for them to level and would say: Normally, Pokémon in Day Care gain one experience point per step the player takes. Suggestion: uping the daycare price from withdrawing it will cost 100 PokémonDollar plus an additional 100 for each level the Pokémon has gained, to maybe 150-400 instead to balance it out, maybe. I think in the end it would be a cool idea and maybe one we could see in the future.


2. Legendary Pokemon: OK, I know unfortunately that we will NOT be able to catch them all, which I personally don't agree with (just make them untradeable in my opinion, don't make shiny versions, make them more rare to find and ban legendary pokemon from pvp and possibly make them story driven events only) but whatever, sorry small rant).

Anyways, my suggestion is simple (maybe?) ..... Make them SEEN ONLY! I at least want to SEE them ALL...PLEASE! :Nervous: The song says " Gotta catch em all!" Change it to " Gotta see them all and catch most of them" at the very least (PLEASE) I don't care how rare they are to find or if they are only special events and of course seeing other people have them won't count whether we had the access to them or not. I want to see that updated pokedex, thanks to user: leandruskis say: 571 owned and 721 seen! not 652 seen! at the very least. That's 69 pokemon missing out on all the fun! There are some pokemon that are not legendaries either only in 1 spot in the whole game which is frustrating but whatever or still NOT in the game at all ...which i'm sure we will "see/catch" them in the future but this is one of the things I would love to have in this game as an all Gen lover and as a pokemon gamer!


3. Friends: Friends? *you ask* What do you mean? * you ponder*

OK, Here is what I mean...

So: you like playing this game because you can play with friends, riiiiight ????

Well we have the pvp, the guilds and chat (also i have seen the suggestion of dots on the map of your party, to which i say is a good idea, maybe with an option to turn on and off or like other mmo's limit party to 6 people)

But the real question is...what do you get for playing with friends? Because I for one have not seen anything in game that lets you "quest" with your friends. Sure, you can play at the same time ( which, lets be honest people have busy lives and you don't feel like waiting on them to get the heck on lol) But this is not the handheld games which has been pointed out MANY times and I for one think we should have in the future, 1. double battle 2. double battle together with a friend 3, have quests/events like say in world of warcraft where you need a few people in your party to proceed and when u go into the event it (if need be) limits not lowers (because i saw that lowering may not be possible at all) to what pokemon level you can use in order to complete the quest. You guys could go in there: one battles one trainer while the other solves a puzzle or fights another trainer etc...then battle the boss together or until double battle is a thing : battle the boss, then friend also has to battle boss in order to move on. This might seem like a very advanced thing to do and possibly way into the future if possible.


THE MAIN POINT of this suggestion: There is NO difference between having 50 friends online to having 0 friends online whats the point of having friends at all except to maybe "play" (which you will probably each be doing your own things) with them and trade money and pokemon. Ok, that's great and all but no overall point besides being hype and telling your friend what u caught, your adventures etc. Which yeah, sure, ok, great. Guess what? Not to offend, or rush... but we have these great things called cell phones and this website called facebook and this great service called Skype. At least give us some exp from battling our friends, it does not have to be a ton, cut it down ... at least it will be there. Or, give us achievements medals from battling our friends or pvping and make a shop where you can spend these medals to get stuff. We already have shops like this, so I think it would be okay in the end and make adventures like stated previously and events like halloween where u need friends to go to complete. Also, make it optional to bring friends on these quests just in case you don't have any... which WILL encourage people getting into a guild and making new friends. Again, not rushing the devs or telling them what to do, this is just a friendly suggestion to further improve the game IMO.



4. (tba)(maybe?)


Sorry for the long post THANKS for reading :Smile:

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1. this would be cool, except the current scripting system cannot store a pokemon without losing it entirely. This is something i hope we fix in the future so that old style daycares can be possible.


2. I'm sorry you feel that way. However legendary availability is already restricted to what you described (they are already untradeable, cannot be shiny). the difference is you cannot and will not be able to catch 601+ base stat ones.

However, they will all be 'seeable', due to some legends require complete seen pokedex data (mew, jirachi, celebi for example). Some aren't ingame yet, because their appropriate region hasnt been added or we haven't gotten to a point where their appearance is relevant and purposeful. Most catchable legendaries require huge gametime requirements.


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276106 1. this would be cool, except the current scripting system cannot store a pokemon without losing it entirely. This is something i hope we fix in the future so that daycares can be possible.


2. I'm sorry you feel that way. However legendary availability is already restricted to what you described (they are already untradeable, cannot be shiny). the difference is you cannot and will not be able to catch 601+ base stat ones.

However, they will all be 'seeable', due to some legends require complete seen pokedex data (mew, jirachi, celebi for example). Some aren't ingame yet, because their appropriate region hasnt been added or we haven't gotten to a point where their appearance is relevant and purposeful. Most catchable legendaries require huge gametime requirements.


If i may ask something about the 2. topic, whould love to hear your opinion about it.


Like i understand the whole reason why we cant obtain a pokemon with more then 600 base stat, couse otherwise pvp whould be completely unfair. That much makes sense. However is it not possible to add a tier system "something like smogon have" like NN,NU,OU and ubers(which are banned in pvp.) and have the pvp side of things following the rules of that. Having a system like this whould prob solve that 600 base stat problem. Aswell adding balance to PvP, making tournaments easier to set up etc. Also might be possible to add the same function to bosses aswell so a per say pokemon cant be used for obvious reasons.


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I Am Strong Because I've Been Weak. I Am Fearless Because I've Been Afraid. I Am Wise Because I've Been Foolish.

IGN: Pelfie - Shiny Wild OT Count: 54 - Guild: Fluffy Nation - Game Time: +2200Hrs - Server: Silver


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276106 1. this would be cool, except the current scripting system cannot store a pokemon without losing it entirely. This is something i hope we fix in the future so that daycares can be possible.


2. I'm sorry you feel that way. However legendary availability is already restricted to what you described (they are already untradeable, cannot be shiny). the difference is you cannot and will not be able to catch 601+ base stat ones.

However, they will all be 'seeable', due to some legends require complete seen pokedex data (mew, jirachi, celebi for example). Some aren't ingame yet, because their appropriate region hasnt been added or we haven't gotten to a point where their appearance is relevant and purposeful. Most catchable legendaries require huge gametime requirements.


If i may ask something about the 2. topic, whould love to hear your opinion about it.


Like i understand the whole reason why we cant obtain a pokemon with more then 600 base stat, couse otherwise pvp whould be completely unfair. That much makes sense. However is it not possible to add a tier system "something like smogon have" like NN,NU,OU and ubers(which are banned in pvp.) and have the pvp side of things following the rules of that. Having a system like this whould prob solve that 600 base stat problem. Aswell adding balance to PvP, making tournaments easier to set up etc. Also might be possible to add the same function to bosses aswell so a per say pokemon cant be used for obvious reasons.


No. its not about the battling.


We simply don't want players to have them, full stop. Pokemon was made as a single player game, with obvious restrictions of there only being one of each legend available. to tweak it for a MMO setting, we have had to make some adjustments, to keep things fair for everyone, this is why we have allowed some legends to be catchable, so that the highest BST pokes people can own are 600 base, and the 601+ ones can then be used for extreme purposes (such as currently staff are allowed one for prolonged dedication to working on the game, or for example in the future when we run proper widespread tornaments, you may find a player with a Lugia and another with Dialga in Red server, for example. These ones are already banned in ranked PvP (but not normal), you will only find one example of any of these pokemon in game, ever)


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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Well... I have a few suggestion of improvement...


1) Could the Pokedex provide the EVs data of each Pokemon? Something like a small box with data (just like the box with the abilities, for example).


2) Could exist a command to delete a Pokemon on Team? I think this would be great because it is very annoying when you are farming pokes and have to go to pc because you cant have an imagen of the last caught pokemon. The command could be something like that ===> /delete pokemon 1-6 This way we can discard the caught pokemon and see the next one that we will catch in the hole of the deleted one.



Ty, :Smile:


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276106 1. this would be cool, except the current scripting system cannot store a pokemon without losing it entirely. This is something i hope we fix in the future so that daycares can be possible.


2. I'm sorry you feel that way. However legendary availability is already restricted to what you described (they are already untradeable, cannot be shiny). the difference is you cannot and will not be able to catch 601+ base stat ones.

However, they will all be 'seeable', due to some legends require complete seen pokedex data (mew, jirachi, celebi for example). Some aren't ingame yet, because their appropriate region hasnt been added or we haven't gotten to a point where their appearance is relevant and purposeful. Most catchable legendaries require huge gametime requirements.


If i may ask something about the 2. topic, whould love to hear your opinion about it.


Like i understand the whole reason why we cant obtain a pokemon with more then 600 base stat, couse otherwise pvp whould be completely unfair. That much makes sense. However is it not possible to add a tier system "something like smogon have" like NN,NU,OU and ubers(which are banned in pvp.) and have the pvp side of things following the rules of that. Having a system like this whould prob solve that 600 base stat problem. Aswell adding balance to PvP, making tournaments easier to set up etc. Also might be possible to add the same function to bosses aswell so a per say pokemon cant be used for obvious reasons.


No. its not about the battling.


We simply don't want players to have them, full stop. Pokemon was made as a single player game, with obvious restrictions of there only being one of each legend available. to tweak it for a MMO setting, we have had to make some adjustments, to keep things fair for everyone, this is why we have allowed some legends to be catchable, so that the highest BST pokes people can own are 600 base, and the 601+ ones can then be used for extreme purposes (such as currently staff are allowed one for prolonged dedication to working on the game, or for example in the future when we run proper widespread tornaments, you may find a player with a Lugia and another with Dialga in Red server, for example. These ones are already banned in ranked PvP (but not normal), you will only find one example of any of these pokemon in game, ever)


Hmm i see. Thank you for clarify this to me. Always thought it was like this becouse of the inbalance but that seem not to be the case. Sorry for taking your time.


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I Am Strong Because I've Been Weak. I Am Fearless Because I've Been Afraid. I Am Wise Because I've Been Foolish.

IGN: Pelfie - Shiny Wild OT Count: 54 - Guild: Fluffy Nation - Game Time: +2200Hrs - Server: Silver


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276106 1. this would be cool, except the current scripting system cannot store a pokemon without losing it entirely. This is something i hope we fix in the future so that old style daycares can be possible.


2. I'm sorry you feel that way. However legendary availability is already restricted to what you described (they are already untradeable, cannot be shiny). the difference is you cannot and will not be able to catch 601+ base stat ones.

However, they will all be 'seeable', due to some legends require complete seen pokedex data (mew, jirachi, celebi for example). Some aren't ingame yet, because their appropriate region hasnt been added or we haven't gotten to a point where their appearance is relevant and purposeful. Most catchable legendaries require huge gametime requirements.


I would love to see the old daycare system, yeah i would not want to lose my pokemon entirely :Grin:

thank you for taking the time to reply at all, i appreciate it. :Smile:

For number 2, I was wondering (and i for got to put this up there while typing it out) what if we could catch the legendaries with over 601+ base stats without that base stat? what i mean is, those pokemon would be catchable but limited to what level they could achieve (all pokemon except them could go to level 100) as a way to maybe balance it out, or is that not a thing? for example: arceus lvl 20 stats are :

hp: 84 atk: 64 def: 59 spec atk: 53 spec def: 59 spd: 59 adamant nature (source: https://www.psypokes.com/dex/stats.php)

If not, I understand and wont let it bug me anymore as long as i can "see" them all like you mentioned, when you guys get to it.

I can't wait to see other regions and I really do appreciate all the things that you guys are already doing.

So again, thank you :Heart:

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