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no mac client


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277377 No mac client from any source tried is working. All say "data is corrupted" when downloaded. Even when downloaded anyway, there is no app, just a file that can't be opened or run. Kind of at a loss. =/


You should be getting a zip file when you download. Are you using the default OSX extractor when opening the zip or do you have some other program opening it? The zip file should just have the app in it to which you can move to your applications folder.


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277377 No mac client from any source tried is working. All say "data is corrupted" when downloaded. Even when downloaded anyway, there is no app, just a file that can't be opened or run. Kind of at a loss. =/


You should be getting a zip file when you download. Are you using the default OSX extractor when opening the zip or do you have some other program opening it? The zip file should just have the app in it to which you can move to your applications folder.


I am using the Unarchiver to extract the zip. But the zip file when I try to extract it just says "data is corrupted", but when I extract it anyway, I get a single file that is not an app and can't be opened by any other app.


I can post screenshots if necessary.

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277391 Help ! someone stole my pokemons

This is a thread about client issues that I am trying to get help with. I would appreciate you not posting about something completely unrelated.


Post screen shots, I'll see if I can help aswell.



Server: Silver



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277391 Help ! someone stole my pokemons

This is a thread about client issues that I am trying to get help with. I would appreciate you not posting about something completely unrelated.


Post screen shots, I'll see if I can help aswell.

thanks man .. but i dont know how to post with screen shot i don't even know how to make normal post, that's why i tried here sorry man

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277391 Help ! someone stole my pokemons

This is a thread about client issues that I am trying to get help with. I would appreciate you not posting about something completely unrelated.


Post screen shots, I'll see if I can help aswell.




So this is what I see when I attempt to download from ANY source for the mac client (i used the google one for this, even thought this is what happens from ever source, not just google):



This is what I see when I attempt to extract the file from ANY source:



So I choose to extract anyway, which it let's me do:



Then when it's done this is what I get:



That is not an app, nor can that file be opened by any other app. I tried moving to my application folder, and when I attempt to open it, nothing happens.

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277391 Help ! someone stole my pokemons

This is a thread about client issues that I am trying to get help with. I would appreciate you not posting about something completely unrelated.


Post screen shots, I'll see if I can help aswell.

277391 Help ! someone stole my pokemons

This is a thread about client issues that I am trying to get help with. I would appreciate you not posting about something completely unrelated.


Post screen shots, I'll see if I can help aswell.


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277391 Help ! someone stole my pokemons

This is a thread about client issues that I am trying to get help with. I would appreciate you not posting about something completely unrelated.


Post screen shots, I'll see if I can help aswell.

hey !


this is the link of the screen shot pls help bro :https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t35.0-12/14454130_1758028727783067_2128632315_o.png?oh=22f262cc9c12bd8d6f21b9f5c5fee7ec&oe=57EB42F8

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