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[Blue sevet]professer birsh tell me total time not hoenn time ,987 is my total play tike,not hoenn p


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We have acknowledged your issue and hope to have a real-time solution implemented as soon as feasible; that being said, there is no need to reiterate it with duplicative topics. Please keep the issue localized to one thread—preferably your most-recent one in this one—as we will not close your threads until it has been conclusibly resolved.


We suspect that your Hoenn-hours variable—an incremental variable that's initialized when starting in Hoenn to keep a metrical perspective on your playtime in Hoenn—was not properly registered; while it is obscure enough as to why that may be the case, it appears to be the most plausible one, indeed, and thus we'd like to check your user variables and re-register them once we can log in-game simultaneously to do so.


Please post here to let us know when you're available in-game or try to solicit one of us Content Scripters in IRC, and we'll try to have this rectified as soon as we can.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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278293 Can let me known what gm online time?


Ask for content scripter, not GM. GMs cannot help you. I am usually online 21:00 - 24:00 (GMT+0400) on weekdays.


Do you still have your Hoenn starter pokemon or the shiny Rattata that you received before moving to Hoenn?


Official discord chat.

Be polite and patient if you need support. While users with the symbols +, % and @ are the chat staff, they are not necessarily also game staff, but they can usually advise you. That said, forums are better for reporting issues and bugs.

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