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Pokemon for Sale (Scyther, Shellder, Shroomish etc) + Syncs (all regions, kadabra, high lvl)

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Prices listed are instant, but feel free to post offers in this thread.

I will not be ingame as much for the next few weeks; if you PM me your online timing in GMT I will do my best to come online

For instant buyouts, message me ingame using the command: /pm yourname-=-karcaroth


Coin items accepted:

Shiny Umbreon Mount = 850k

MS = 800k

Pickaxe/Tree axe = 600k

XP boost potion = 160k

Other mounts = dependent on mount



- [< 10] Kanto Adamant Natu = 6k

- [lv 30+] Kanto Adamant Natu = 12k

- [< 10] Kanto Adamant Abra = 22k

- [< 10] Johto Adamant Natu = 15k

- [lv 33] Johto Adamant Natu = 25k

- [lv 30] Hoenn Adamant Natu = 25k

- [lv 12] Hoenn Adamant Abra = 28k


More Syncs:


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Dex Service (ask about availability)

- Porygon2 dex service - 15k


Fully Trained Pokemon

971de71288c59e9f37cf00693cd1c945.png 31 atk ada Gallade - 480k

dd194d3a6923dce63458c14ac6f42d29.png Talonflame - 425k 739077bc22e743b058519f82c96c3a72.png Dragonite - 320k

b115d56aba46e0a27dbba349de83e9e5.png Careful Sand Rush Exca - 380k 1451809e8d6f0dc1707a5c686dd2e416.png Careful Ttar - 780k instant

cb8780749db7e42fe80e0e9918d8e5b4.png Jolly Poison Heal Breloom - 850k instant

19d23c6ee237083e3aca1baccfe96e74.png Moxie Krookodile - 480k instant (252atk/252spd)


Shiny Paras

9e62a56cd2cbae6c6d02bf419753853a.png - 175k


Untrained Pokemon


swewb.png - 325k


Technician Scyther

b054cb1a114656286cc0d2888a891507.png 1a impish 145k 7328364a48e30d255db2394eabf221ec.png 1b ada 120k

cdd9ee2c4d4e5a35e2ee6699ae2e7437.png 1c jolly - 95k



077546cfe42d44b109162c1de61fb859.png 1a - 220k 6eb09d84a5c310d48145acc35ab8e343.png 1b - 95k



51e7169bd1a243d203248d21d9832229.png 1a (timid) - 190k 49c28107b6337ea032e75878c0c8ae0d.png 1b (bold) - 95k



9aac548987cd21d898ff5957ced0e29e.png - 65k



d6013edb1d9ef40ede757db6bb24db66.png - 65k



b346129f25bf0869966d2ce9f5247a27.png - 100k



ec54b9c3f6200b29318a1552fa2546f6.png - 125k



0bbd11c2568ea5dc038e67db8d478f68.png - 150k


Kanto Dratinis


49cc89a11f51e348bfeee9c65eceaaf8.png 1a - 280k instant

s1hAzek.png 1b - 150k 6b3afef5ca7c4dfa5d612f0cd367043f.png 1c - 75k dratini


Kanto Larvitar

smMth.png 1a - 75k


Shellder (Skill Link)

8658c9593c0e34573f8c934ba153cbf9.png 1a (jolly) - 155k b756ff4fa4136a3b0aa1c3cc4f5d1008.png 1b (naughty) - 145k


73e955e986b1b9f72ee1261f6f403021.png 1c (jolly) - 55k


Aipom (Run Away >> Technician)

2c9df92cfa99e8f2333734337c0076f4.png 1a (naughty) - 145k


H.A. Gligar

032710fd3e2a542fcf4bb7ccf8e2a4fe.png 1a (ada) - 280k ec95631e375a0acd0d6c4fc103411d60.png 1b (naughty) - 250k bb4c4be88947d46b7e2a6189f7f906a1.png 1c (ada) - 100k



3d9e0e008fd058ac095871fb4d2f3be0.png - 180k



4224831d66c230da47486c970622e823.png 1a - 450k (adamant mold breaker)


44cf2b2a7e5aef3a85528b48e639e957.png 1b - 145k (ada unnerve) e7339bd4dbdacdd3a661efe699f11f64.png 1c - 90k (ada rivalry)



7207ffa11a9223e2db6c6c39b148ade0.png 1a - 480k c88c0acd36bec850cb13089522a9043c.png 1b - 140k (Careful/Sassy)


82c15be299588534ac32e7b5c5a69430.png 2a - 280k 6cffdb8d3f4bafe0be493c9574c3c879.png 2b - 100k (Impish)


HA Vulpix (Drought)

1c801caad868acef799a614de59bc6f9.png Bold 1a - 70k

a627e04655e6d54bde26e5ae093984de.png Modest 1b - 70k



ssueo.png 280k




77fbc25d23c45b788143128e023e5133.png 1a - 145k 6c8fe87be2521b78afb88803869e8806.png 1b - 100k


H.A. Tentacool (Rain Dish)

3a946621c9c01b8735789fa2bc61b70a.png - 90k


Shroomish (Poison Heal)

6bb95c91090bf7cdd2ccee370b9697c5.png 1a (jolly) - 165k

f151ef9c27090e57bb53d0ee3dfb7469.png 1b (ada) - 135k


3de36cc164701a75b0995e7f1271cbeb.png 1c (jolly) - 115k fe1f5ab91296c0c46296c203a326ce2d.png 1d (ada) - 100k 1fa56209e7c99707410004cd37b53309.png 1e (naughty) - 100k


d7ac78846eddb2d1a8551ae29d296701.png 1f (ada) - 75k


H.A. Shroomish (Technician)

cccf98729c3e7b589c14424236c22dcc.png 1g (jolly) - 75k 1550f70fa3454b85e8a53370a025109d.png 1h (ada) - 75k



38f9baf28b6a0bed688d7aff1d3f670b.png 1a (lonely) - 360k 8753af8caed9d04cfe943512859ca842.png 1b (timid) - 250k


00d596c5133488d52ce957ce28ea5565.png 1c (timid) - 120k d4005080b84e356ad9d6501c8122080d.png 1d - 85k

sMsm1.png 1e (jolly) - 65k


Swift Swim Kabuto

f344a4c12994ff23fc7ca56cc680226f.png 1a (ada) - 150k 31f01934f1c81a596afaf500058326b3.png 1b (naive) - 100k 6046f6773c092bb04cf29a6487b2e967.png 1c (calm) - 75k


Swift Swim Omanyte

686a1e959cd0b2ad756cdfb4ba95cb34.png - 75k


H.A. Slowbro (Regenerator)

e02bec30243ea6db8fb9a478fcaba8ff.png 1a - 95k 928f0afb72b1df2f0aac4f20768adbc4.png 1b - 75k


H.A. Slowpoke (Regenerator)

9d046773a0733776e5d821e005806578.png 1a - 75k



445468185a4b291409123dd63547566c.png 1a - 125k


c30c0d8676fc6bd1d0d42db5f9598f8a.png 1b 77963d43f762db37943cd1a0536dfcd3.png 1c - 75k each


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