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fossil maniac charles


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when i speak with fossil maniac charles to unlocked the dig sites in hoenn, he says me that because i help him, he give me a permit by 100 000 pokedollars.


but he has 2 problem:


1) in the history of PRO i have never helped him.

2) in my backpack i can not found the permit that he sold me

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i suggest a mini quest in that we can help him with something, give him an object that he wants, or protect him to the team maqua in a battle in front of his house o something so.


i suggest to add a permit card to can dig in hoeen, similar to dragon club card that they give me a blackthorn card

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283830 Then you're a lucky one that only pay 100k does not need to do collect gem quest and able to straight away get that permit to dig.

I always asked myself what was this quest.. the guy asked me 100k, I gave him the money, and puff, I was inside excavation.

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283830 Then you're a lucky one that only pay 100k does not need to do collect gem quest and able to straight away get that permit to dig.

I always asked myself what was this quest.. the guy asked me 100k, I gave him the money, and puff, I was inside excavation.


yes, he says that how i helped him before he will give me the permit to dig by 100 k, but i dont have do any quest to help him

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