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285745 Hi guys can someone tell me how to EV train my Gengar to beat e4 ?

Assuming that you're talking about the Kanto Elite 4; here's a guide: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=122&t=24239&p=143663#p143663


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Ev -

Effort value , u can max train 252 in a stat and 510 overall.


the EV point is the number that blue colour .example your gengar sp atk 28 (19)《《this is ev point


every pokemon that you battle with give difference type of ev point.

example 1. Battle with Oddish you will earn 1 sp atack point.

Example 2. Battle with Golbat you will earn 1 speed point.


Here got some guide good for ev train place and pokemon




THIS berry can help you lower your ev point that you accidentally earn but you did't want.


BERRY can be earn by headbutting the tree or buy in the shop in kanto .

-Pomeg Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's HP by 10 EVs.

-Kelpsy Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Attack by 10 EVs.

-Qualot Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Defense by 10 EVs.

-Hondew Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Special Attack by 10 EVs.

-Grepa Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Special Defense by 10 EVs.

-Tamato Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Speed by 10 EVs.



I hope that you can understand what i am typing .n.n

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285848 Ev -

Effort value , u can max train 252 in a stat and 510 overall.


the EV point is the number that blue colour .example your gengar sp atk 28 (19)《《this is ev point

Thanks alot man :thanks:


every pokemon that you battle with give difference type of ev point.

example 1. Battle with Oddish you will earn 1 sp atack point.

Example 2. Battle with Golbat you will earn 1 speed point.


Here got some guide good for ev train place and pokemon




THIS berry can help you lower your ev point that you accidentally earn but you did't want.


BERRY can be earn by headbutting the tree or buy in the shop in kanto .

-Pomeg Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's HP by 10 EVs.

-Kelpsy Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Attack by 10 EVs.

-Qualot Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Defense by 10 EVs.

-Hondew Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Special Attack by 10 EVs.

-Grepa Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Special Defense by 10 EVs.

-Tamato Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Speed by 10 EVs.



I hope that you can understand what i am typing .n.n

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