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I've play this game a long while ago and have a few questions to see if i would consider getting back in the game the following:


Are pokemon from hoenn,sinho,unova and kalos been added

are there mods or new regions/badges

PLZ PLZ PLZ tell me ther are battle animations for the pokemon or just when you first find them like in the original sliver and gold

any way that about sums up all my questions and :thanks: for listening so yeah you can umm... can you just OK :Shocked: enough this is getting weird now finally bye ;)

btw can i just say how i :Heart: that pokemon follow you if i could do anything i want for pokemon sun and moon it would be re add that feature

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286948 Are pokemon from hoenn,sinho,unova and kalos been added


Only Hoenn has been added.

286948 are there mods or new regions/badges


No, there are more events/hoenn badges etc.

286948 PLZ PLZ PLZ tell me ther are battle animations for the pokemon or just when you first find them like in the original sliver and gold


I'm a relatively new player, they may have changed a bit. Don't believe they are of the upmost priority.



Welcome back man!



Server: Silver



286953 yvetel nd resheram following


Staff get special pokemon.

286953 sprites animated


The sprites are slightly animated, they just go up and down.

286953 attacks animated


Some are animated.



Server: Silver



286966 yeah but one more do i close this post becase its done ?


No need to :) People will welcome you aswell. Its a introduction post.



Server: Silver



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