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Tier rankeds


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I think it would be nice to have different pvp categories, at least two: the actual one and other one with the best pokemon banned.

Actually a lot of pokemon are useless in pvp, this would create different metas. I like to catch my favourite pokemon, it would be nice if they can be useful in their category.

Other good ideas can be 3vs3 ranked, or even monotype 3vs3 ranked.

What do you think about it?

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287984 If you ban the best tier of pokémon there will always be a new best tier of pokémon replacing them and going into the same pokémon again, there's no point in doing that

But it wilñ be differend tiers, more pokemon would be useful, like Ou, Uu, Ru... in pokemon showdown



There will be the same tiers(S+ s, A+, a, etc) but with different pokémon and then we will have another suggestion for the same thing, so there's no point.

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287984 If you ban the best tier of pokémon there will always be a new best tier of pokémon replacing them and going into the same pokémon again, there's no point in doing that

But it wilñ be differend tiers, more pokemon would be useful, like Ou, Uu, Ru... in pokemon showdown



There will be the same tiers(S+ s, A+, a, etc) but with different pokémon and then we will have another suggestion for the same thing, so there's no point.


I think you don't understand what I'm saying, probably it's my fault, english is not my language.

I'm not saying that should not be better pokemons than others in ranked, obviously if you ban some pokemon, other pokemon are gonna be the new best monsters.

What I'm saying is that actually there are a lot of pokemon totally useless, and that is because we only have one category of pvp ranked.

If we have various categories (or levels or tiers or whatever you want to name it) of pvp ranked, a lot of pokemon that now are useless are gonna be good at their category.

This can make the game so much better for many reasons.

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But it wilñ be differend tiers, more pokemon would be useful, like Ou, Uu, Ru... in pokemon showdown



There will be the same tiers(S+ s, A+, a, etc) but with different pokémon and then we will have another suggestion for the same thing, so there's no point.


I think you don't understand what I'm saying, probably it's my fault, english is not my language.

I'm not saying that should not be better pokemons than others in ranked, obviously if you ban some pokemon, other pokemon are gonna be the new best monsters.

What I'm saying is that actually there are a lot of pokemon totally useless, and that is because we only have one category of pvp ranked.

If we have various categories (or levels or tiers or whatever you want to name it) of pvp ranked, a lot of pokemon that now are useless are gonna be good at their category.

This can make the game so much better for many reasons.




I get it now, but i think if this gets implemented it will be in a far future because we don't even have every move coded(And thats why a lot of pokemon aren't used). My bad though for not understanding, good suggestion for more ways to expand the pvp

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  • 3 weeks later...

They should apply the smogon tier system into this game, sure you can go and say that new meta will arise but that's normal. That's not the point, its to balance the pvp side of things out. For an example a uber tier poke will always be able to outplay a NU tier poke just becouse of the pure diffrence in base stats. Then we dont need these "current" pvp rules in place either. Just plain out more balanced in general. ubers banned in pvp, and then you have TM's for each other tier/bracket.


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Smogon has all items and abilities into consideration, PRO doesnt yet have all PvP items and working abilities or even all Pokemon/ movesets working and/or ingame yet, Smogon tiers take those into consideration when seeing where a certain Pokemon should be banded. Tiers is likely something that will come into play at some point, but for the time being the focus is on all moves, abilities and items to be ingame and working correctly


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