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I have some doubts about the pokemon types, for example :


~ beedrill is a pokemon bug and poison, the move like earthquake are effective versus its, but beedrill has wings that it uses to fly, why beedrill dont use it to avoid ground moves likes others pokemons like butterfrees or another flying pokemons ??


~venomoth is other example of this, it is a bug poison pokemon, that the move like bulldoze or earthquake are effectives, why it doesnt use its wings to avoid it ? Because beedrill and venomoth fly in the anime, in the forest, they dont walk, they fly.


~another pokemon is mega charizard x, it has 2 big wings and dont can avoid a move like earthquake ??, it only has to fly to avoid it.


~and gyarados, it is a water and flying pokemon, but it doesnt have wings, and dont have the abiliti levitation, but this enormous dragon can fly without wings and dont learn the move fly ?


I believe that this pokemons need a change of type, and PRO could be the first game in apply this. For example :

To put to beedrill the type bug and flying or poison and flying.

To put to venomoth the type bug and flying or poison and flying.

To gyarados to put the type dragon and water, water and dark, or dark and water.

Megacharizardx to put the type dragon and flying or fire and flying

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289110 I have some doubts about the pokemon types, for example :


~ beedrill is a pokemon bug and poison, the move like earthquake are effective versus its, but beedrill has wings that it uses to fly, why beedrill dont use it to avoid ground moves likes others pokemons like butterfrees or another flying pokemons ??


~venomoth is other example of this, it is a bug poison pokemon, that the move like bulldoze or earthquake are effectives, why it doesnt use its wings to avoid it ? Because beedrill and venomoth fly in the anime, in the forest, they dont walk, they fly.


~another pokemon is mega charizard x, it has 2 big wings and dont can avoid a move like earthquake ??, it only has to fly to avoid it.


~and gyarados, it is a water and flying pokemon, but it doesnt have wings, and dont have the abiliti levitation, but this enormous dragon can fly without wings and dont learn the move fly ?


I believe that this pokemons need a change of type, and PRO could be the first game in apply this. For example :

To put to beedrill the type bug and flying or poison and flying.

To put to venomoth the type bug and flying or poison and flying.

To gyarados to put the type dragon and water, water and dark, or dark and water.

Megacharizardx to put the type dragon and flying or fire and flying

This would make no sense at all they've been that typing ever since Pokemon has been a thing.....


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I have some doubts about the pokemon types, for example :


~ beedrill is a pokemon bug and poison, the move like earthquake are effective versus its, but beedrill has wings that it uses to fly, why beedrill dont use it to avoid ground moves likes others pokemons like butterfrees or another flying pokemons ??


~venomoth is other example of this, it is a bug poison pokemon, that the move like bulldoze or earthquake are effectives, why it doesnt use its wings to avoid it ? Because beedrill and venomoth fly in the anime, in the forest, they dont walk, they fly.


~another pokemon is mega charizard x, it has 2 big wings and dont can avoid a move like earthquake ??, it only has to fly to avoid it.


~and gyarados, it is a water and flying pokemon, but it doesnt have wings, and dont have the abiliti levitation, but this enormous dragon can fly without wings and dont learn the move fly ?


I believe that this pokemons need a change of type, and PRO could be the first game in apply this. For example :

To put to beedrill the type bug and flying or poison and flying.

To put to venomoth the type bug and flying or poison and flying.

To gyarados to put the type dragon and water, water and dark, or dark and water.

Megacharizardx to put the type dragon and flying or fire and flying

Also when gyarados mega evis it becomes dark and water ^_^


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This is probably the oddest suggestion I've seen in a while, though I can sorta understand why. The typing of the Pokemon are proper to the ones in the official games, it would be more abnormal for them to change it than to keep it as it is placed in the games. Not to mention that would bring major confusion to any who has played the official console games, or anyone who uses sites to look up these Pokemon to see what their weakness and such are. I don't really see a reason for them changing this from the source games. This is almost like asking for electric moves to be able to hit ground types just because Ash's Pikachu was able to, even though in every Offical pokemon game ground has been immune to electric.





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289110 -snip-

Topic moved to proper forum.


As others have commented, this is unlikely to happen within PRO, as changing official Pokemon typings that have been well-established in the handheld games would likely cause more confusion than it would clear up. However, I encourage you to think outside the box a bit in regards to some of the Pokemon you've mentioned - for example, while Gyarados can't fly, its Flying-type may be an allusion to a kind of carp-shaped decoration that flies in the wind. Moreover, the other Pokemon you've mentioned are indeed airborne, but the Flying-type doesn't fit as well with their backgrounds/designs as the other types they already possess. Beedrill is more of a poisonous insect than a flying creature, hence why it's labeled as Bug/Poison-type.


Hope that clears things up!



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