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Well it's hard to decide from where to start but if you don't know what the title means then you shouldn't waste time reading it and if you don't play on red server , you can skip it completely. In fact it's something like a message from me personally to some people that will understand its meaning.The reason i

wrote this thread is because I don't find a way to start a talk with the people I wanted to talk to so I guess its the best way to announce it this way because its the best timing to write something like that at.It's simply about the on going politics. Every place we go where you could find a competition you will

find politics and by politics i mean the relationships between people so don't get me wrong. But somehow these politics aren't good to be found and that's at least in my opinion. Lately ingame , I've seen so much talks about some players and some guilds. The main reason for this thread is to explain all what's going on and reveal some views that will make everyone clear about what they read. So as for a start I wanted to mention one latest update which is the guild pvp ladder. However that update brought some politics that is never meant to be there. I mean , some people say that some guilds recruit pvpers from other guilds to join them so they would top that pvp ladder.. and I heard that being told about my guild personally so I wanted to clarify things. First thing I wanted to mention is that my guild is really old and it always had it's battlers, but aside from that , I did recruit just 2 players and 1 left and these 2 who were recruited actually applied themselves (and others were refused or kicked) to the guild after that ladder pvp update. If things are needed to be more clearer, I'd mention Tr3y and MasterBroccoli which actually wanted to join with their own will without them being taken from other guilds. Also since we are mentioning names already , bong from chronos was just invited to the discord of my guild just for the means of talking nothing else. Maybe we joke a bit but there is nothing to happen without an applicant's will to join which is never a point of recruiting someone from another guild. Also personally I'd be honest in saying .. the guild pvp ladder is seasonal. Which mostly means top 10 guilds on that ladder would win stuff which is mostly coins, and that's actually like the ranked pvp which is always like that. And by meaning that I mean.. I doubt there are more than 10 guilds that would top the current 10 guilds at all so there is no need to fight for a spot in my opinion. All what I wish to see is guilds as ''families'' not ''armies'' and the members in my guild that didn't get all that and offended ,they got aware and learned not to offend but to respect everyone. That's 1 point. The 2nd thing I wanted to talk about is about me personally. I'm one of the oldest players in pro and the only reason im mentioning that is to show how much I care about the game and

the relationships at it. I just wanted to give a little apology for the people that will understand what ill say right now. I am a human that rushes and do mistakes. But the best part is that what ends never gets repeated and what's broken gets fixed back. It's all about that. So that apology if for the people that I really care about and I want to clear the page with them and promise that what bothered them before won't be repeated at all. Either they are staff or guild leaders and their guilds.I wanted to thank the staff for everything they do for us all that time. And by staff I mean the people that I might have pissed before but trust me I didn't mean it and I really like all of you guys, including 2 that I wanted to ensure their names which are toothless and Mapplle. And I wanted to give a special thanks especially for Shane for all the great time that people enjoys because of his great efforts on the game. And another special thanks to

Red. We all like PRO , We all want to see it on it's best. All what I just said is for rising some peace. It's for people that I could mention by name like daen, brad and aymanex please review the relationship between chronos and blaze. In fact , chronos is a guild that i always personally liked and respected. And here I'm mentining it in public.. I wish things could be like before all that happened. and I will again thank the staff for everything. I've fixed what's needed to be fixed and I wouldn't have made that thread if I really didn't care about all the matter.And everyone is welcomed to my place and to express their opinion about this thread. Sorry for that headache I caused with this thread but thanks for reading. Enjoy your time guys.



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Why u gotta dedicate yourself to temporary online communities which mean nothing to you in the very end? Does spending time with people who you'll never meet and call them "family" define you?


You don't need to be SO sensitive in affairs like this. Just have fun and enjoy it while it lasts :Grin:

Check my Mall!

To be honest i don't want this become public and I thought It has been solved thru Discord PMs 2-3 days ago, but I respect all of your effort.

Like I said to Irafael and you, lets forget about this and move on, I talked with Irafayel as well yesterday, we used to be friend so yeah just forget and move on, besides all of us just wanna enjoy the game, s-crew politics. :/


Once again thanks Fad for your long explanation. I dont have any personal problem anymore towards Blaze. Peace and see ya in game.


• ● ⬤ Proud Family of Chronos! ⬤ ● •

[glow=blue]signature credit to Mieon, check it here[/glow]

289980 Why u gotta dedicate yourself to temporary online communities which mean nothing to you in the very end? Does spending time with people who you'll never meet and call them "family" define you?


You don't need to be SO sensitive in affairs like this. Just have fun and enjoy it while it lasts :Grin:


This is asking for tempers to flare, but i dont want it to go there. All i'll say is, some of us are luckier than others in finding guilds we can call "family". If you dont understand that, then the least i can do is wish you better luck.

mLcUOgl - Imgur.png

289983 To be honest i don't want this become public and I thought It has been solved thru Discord PMs 2-3 days ago, but I respect all of your effort.

Like I said to Irafael and you, lets forget about this and move on, I talked with Irafayel as well yesterday, we used to be friend so yeah just forget and move on, besides all of us just wanna enjoy the game, s-crew politics. :/


Once again thanks Fad for your long explanation. I dont have any personal problem anymore towards Blaze. Peace and see ya in game.


Thanks daen, we really appreciate your understanding. Now maybe we can all have some peace of mind.

mLcUOgl - Imgur.png

Teach me inglis senpai! *.*

I hope things will go smooth now.

Also about family stuff, the members we got some of us are in touch for like 5 years now from pwo. So yeah thats the trust bond we developed over time, which faddie described as a family.



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Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


@heyCavalier : Well we call it a family for many reasons.

@Daen: thanks for your reply ..

@somes: :Shocked:

teach me inglesh pls.

ily *wink*



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