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<r>Genh you want good nature as a priority since with out good nature even great pokes with great ability will be bad for pvp,etc. Also I think that iv matters 2nd most since a poke with good ability but with bad ivs can do anything effectively:) Last comes the good ability part. However, If you are going to do pvp you need to fulfill all of them inorder to make a great team and get high rate^^ (This is just from my point of view and I hope it helps <E>:Smile:</E> )</r>

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Re: Priority: good IV? or good NATURE? or good ABILITIES?


<r><QUOTE author="Genh"><s>

</s><POST content="290878"><s></s>290878<e></e></POST> i not for pvp, but i still want to fight boss, so i need a pokemon which is a "little bit" stronger, so i wanna ask which which should take in the 1st priority, from u guys opinion, nature should be the 1st.<e>


Generally speaking, nature is indeed the most important factor, then ability is second and iv third.<br/>


But in some cases when a pokemon has an OP ability, such as speed boost Blaziken or GW Talonflame, you should aim for this ability first (imo a hardy GW Talonflame is still better than an adamant flame body one)</r>


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Re: Priority: good IV? or good NATURE? or good ABILITIES?


<r><QUOTE author="Einheria"><s>

</s><POST content="290908"><s></s>290908<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Genh"><s>
</s><POST content="290878"><s></s>290878<e></e></POST> i not for pvp, but i still want to fight boss, so i need a pokemon which is a "little bit" stronger, so i wanna ask which which should take in the 1st priority, from u guys opinion, nature should be the 1st.<e>


Generally speaking, nature is indeed the most important factor, then ability is second and iv third.<br/>


But in some cases when a pokemon has an OP ability, such as speed boost Blaziken or GW Talonflame, you should aim for this ability first (imo a hardy GW Talonflame is still better than an adamant flame body one)<e>



thanks for the opinion</r>

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