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290823 Is the ability eye compound of butterfrees is working, because butterfree fail much the move sleep powder and suppersonic, and with eye compount its precision should up ?

290828 yes its working, Thats why people use compound eyes galvantula for pvp with thunder


Compound eyes is in game, but it is not coded right. Resulting in it not working right now.


Edit: Its pretty disputed, some people have said its coded. Some haven't. Hope a staff gives an answer to clear confusion.



Server: Silver



290823 Is the ability eye compound of butterfrees is working, because butterfree fail much the move sleep powder and suppersonic, and with eye compount its precision should up ?

Compound eyes isn't in the list of bugged moves.


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290823 Is the ability eye compound of butterfrees is working, because butterfree fail much the move sleep powder and suppersonic, and with eye compount its precision should up ?


Compound eyes works in battle, It won't increase held item chance in the field though, no abilities will increase encounter/held item rate due to balance issues


As stated the bugged/not coded moves/abilities are listed on the PVP Rules Thread


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