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Ingame rarity indicator.


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42242 The staff already stated that they want the players figure out the rarity of each pokemon by themselves


yeah, but that could easily result in a bunch of people declaring something that normally would be common, like a nonshiny, terrible IV / nature weedle just because that group of players think weedle is "cute" or "precious" & yes, there are people who value pokemon as if actual animals or based on idiotic bias, like someone thinking only male pokemon are valuable (i.e female shiny seaking with perfect iv stats, will be deemed worthless to these kinds of people, i've argued with someone exactly like this)


granted, these people are likely a small minority of the playerbase, but like any mmo there are things that should be predetermined in terms of rarity / value. over all, this idea would make trading a lot easier since it completely voids the process of figuring out rarity / value.

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