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Excavation Problem, Please Attention!


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i'm an active player on yellow server and i usually do excavation sites daily. Since a week more or less, i noticed i can't find anymore the rarest pokemon in each site (skorupi, beldum, timbur, yamask, pawniard). At the beginning i not even noticed that, but after 7 days i started to think its not luck or unluck problem. I used to find 3-4 timbur per day and yamask too and suddendly they disappeard. I have 6k+ excavation point and ms active. Today i talked with few players from blue server and all of them got this same problem. I just wanted to report this fact, maybe its just me, but i really don't think so. Hope for your response,



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At least 2 of my friends in Red also reported not seeing any rarer pokes for a week.


When there are too many people having bad luck, it's debatable if it's even bad luck anymore. Seems more like they did alter the sites again.







Though, personally the problem for me isn't the missing rare pokes - it's the fact that MS is literally a must have requirement for sites.


With the price for MS steadily rising to stupid level, sites becomes useless and pointless if you cannot get anything good without MS.

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At least 2 of my friends in Red also reported not seeing any rarer pokes for a week.


When there are too many people having bad luck, it's debatable if it's even bad luck anymore. Seems more like they did alter the sites again.







Though, personally the problem for me isn't the missing rare pokes - it's the fact that MS is literally a must have requirement for sites.


With the price for MS steadily rising to stupid level, sites becomes useless and pointless if you cannot get anything good without MS.


yea, ms price is actually insane, about 500-600k in yellow server. This is definetely not bad luck, but if they changed something, maybe an advice was "needed".

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294677 Same thing to me also some pokes ( like zangoose and golett on feral/haunted site spawns both at the wrong ''time'' should spawn between 01:00-12:59 but both spawns all day )


Hmm, that does suggest they did alter the sites again. Why, though?



yea, ms price is actually insane, about 500-600k in yellow server.


It's like that in Blue & Red as well.

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after 2 days i still only get shroomish,cacnea,spheal,wailmer,cubone,hourdor,zangoose,mawile,golett,gastly,shuppet,tyrouge,sawk,throh,makuhita,onix,nosepass

shiny rock artifact,smoochum,spheal,solrock,shroomish


5k discovery + ms active

items bunch of artifact + fresh water and few pearl and a nugget

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