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41841 II've never seen that problem, Can you explain in more detail your problem?

ok, so i go into forest maze and walk up to blue pokeball, i havent tried the tm yet, but i go to the ball and everything stops it doesnt log me out it just freezes to where i cant move and the chat stops for some reason the bars still work so i can log myself out, but after i do i cant log back in for a while and i just tried again maybe i went the wrong way this time but i believe its gone, so i didnt get whatever was in it, i just plan to move on and forget about it


another guy posted about it months ago here


- https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=5049&p=41687#top

35847 i saw blue pokeball in viridian maze but after talking to it my screen froze............... and i cant log back in..been retrying like 10times already.. am i bugged? my starting is pikachu.............
42044 If u take pikachu u cant take this pokeball.


Only can take hidden pokemon if u take Squirtle, Bulbasaur or Charmander. Squirtle -> Bellsprout. Bulbasaur -> Growlithe. Charmander -> Horsea


I don't know where you found this information, but it's wrong.


Sig created by Annazhee

41701 whenever i go into the maze and try to pick up the blue ball my game crashes is there a reason for this? i have tried about 6 times already


Honestly, you're just having really bad luck with when the server crashes. That specific abandoned Pokemon has been tested hundreds of thousands of times without issue. Let me know if it happens again. Thanks. :)


Sig created by Annazhee

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