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Re: GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<t>1.What is your IGN(In Game Name)? my name in game is giannisnasus<br/>

2.How many badges collected and how many hours do you have? i ahve all badges and i have played tottaly 226 hours<br/>

3.Why do you want to join Illusion? cayse i want to join a guild which is united and players help each other in it .. and mostly to have fun<br/>

4.Can you install Discord(100% needed)? of course , i have already an account<br/>

5.What is your fav poke(Curiosity)? my fav poke is aegislash<br/>

6.Can you be active in the game but also in Discord? of course and i can be</t>

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Re: GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="giannisnasus"><s>

</s><POST content="308120"><s></s>308120<e></e></POST> 1.What is your IGN(In Game Name)? my name in game is giannisnasus<br/>

2.How many badges collected and how many hours do you have? i ahve all badges and i have played tottaly 226 hours<br/>

3.Why do you want to join Illusion? cayse i want to join a guild which is united and players help each other in it .. and mostly to have fun<br/>

4.Can you install Discord(100% needed)? of course , i have already an account<br/>

5.What is your fav poke(Curiosity)? my fav poke is aegislash<br/>

6.Can you be active in the game but also in Discord? of course and i can be<e>



Hey giannisnasus I'll send you the discord link in the forum :)</r>

Re: GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><COLOR color="#0000BF"><s></s>1.What is your IGN(In Game Name)?<br/>


martonlet <br/>


2.How many badges collected and how many hours do you have?<br/>

I have 8 badges and my playtime is 76 hours<br/>


3.Why do you want to join Illusion??<br/>

No one wants to play and experience alone am i right? not even ash ketchup ( I know he is the last trainer to use as an example but he is a trainer xD)<br/>


4.Can you install Discord(100% needed)?<br/>

Already have it installed <E>:Cool:</E> <br/>


5.What is your fav poke(Curiosity)?<br/>

Snorlax would have to be both my favorite Pokemon and spirit animal<br/>


6.Can you be active in the game but also in Discord?<br/>

Most definetly!<e></e></COLOR></r>


Re: GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="martonlet"><s>

</s><POST content="308399"><s></s>308399<e></e></POST> <COLOR color="#0000BF"><s></s>1.What is your IGN(In Game Name)?<br/>


martonlet <br/>


2.How many badges collected and how many hours do you have?<br/>

I have 8 badges and my playtime is 76 hours<br/>


3.Why do you want to join Illusion??<br/>

No one wants to play and experience alone am i right? not even ash ketchup ( I know he is the last trainer to use as an example but he is a trainer xD)<br/>


4.Can you install Discord(100% needed)?<br/>

Already have it installed <E>:Cool:</E> <br/>


5.What is your fav poke(Curiosity)?<br/>

Snorlax would have to be both my favorite Pokemon and spirit animal<br/>


6.Can you be active in the game but also in Discord?<br/>

Most definetly!<e></e></COLOR><e>



I'll send you the discord link martonlet and thank you for applying</r>

Re: GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="han1996"><s>

</s><POST content="295488"><s></s>295488<e></e></POST> <CENTER><s>

</s><GLOW glow="yellow"><s>[glow=yellow]</s>WELCOME TO THE ILLUSION GUILD<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/>


<GLOW glow="green"><s>[glow=green]</s>Our guild logo<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/g8GkcLb.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>




Hi, fellow players this is the guild Illusion :) I named this guild after Zorua's ability since zorua is my favorite pokemon right now <E>:Heart:</E> I made this guild so that more people without guilds would have a group they could join, also check out the upcoming events and services^^<br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/vdzGhNQ.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

If you see a guy like this thats me, so pm me in game if you want to know more about the guild :) (yes i love blue!)<br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/MyBcxfZ.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/>

(Special thanks to Markenshi for making this great banner for our guild <3 <3)<br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/EH6eG59.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>





<GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>Requirements<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/>

Here are the requirements:<br/>

-You should be able to use Discord(An app which we can chat and have events on)<br/>

-Over 8 badges is needed<br/>

-Active more than once a week<br/>

-You should be able to speak English<br/>


<GLOW glow="blue"><s>[glow=blue]</s>PVPERS ARE REALLY WELCOME AND ALSO PEOPLE WHO LOVE ZOURA <3<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/>




<GLOW glow="blue"><s>[glow=blue]</s>Members<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW> 63/75<br/>



</s><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/F6ZWsuY.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/yhhQQie.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/F0J7E9Z.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/zc60tYg.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/ESDNRHx.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/uNbyWob.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/mkpByl2.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/5CldRhe.png"><s></e></IMG><e>





<GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>Upcoming events and services<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW>


</s>-FIND THAT NPC!!(In this event you will have to find a npc in the whole kanto region. It will be hard but the reward will be worth it^^)<br/>


-HIDE AND SEEK(You are going to have to find me but be careful since i might clothe myself as someone else)<br/>


-DAYCARE (Daycare is where you can buy services to train your poke's evs and lvls) <E>:Heart:</E><br/>


-CATCH THAT POKEMON(In this event you have to find a poke with a certain ability, in a certain location->person with the highest ivs wins)<e>




<GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>Applying form<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/>

1.What is your IGN(In Game Name)?<br/>

2.How many badges collected and how many hours do you have?<br/>

3.Why do you want to join Illusion?<br/>

4.Can you install Discord(100% needed)?<br/>

5.What is your fav poke(Curiosity)?<br/>

6.Can you be active in the game but also in Discord?<br/>


Hope many people join and hope you have alot of fun in our guild <E>:Grin:</E><e>



<GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>For registeration summit your appling form in the thread(100% NEEDED)<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><e>


Hey Han! Good luck with your guild! I love your discord btw ;)</r>


Re: GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="xrevolutionx94"><s>

</s><POST content="309320"><s></s>309320<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="han1996"><s>
</s><POST content="295488"><s></s>295488<e></e></POST> <CENTER><s>

</s><GLOW glow="yellow"><s>[glow=yellow]</s>WELCOME TO THE ILLUSION GUILD<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/>


<GLOW glow="green"><s>[glow=green]</s>Our guild logo<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/g8GkcLb.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>




Hi, fellow players this is the guild Illusion :) I named this guild after Zorua's ability since zorua is my favorite pokemon right now <E>:Heart:</E> I made this guild so that more people without guilds would have a group they could join, also check out the upcoming events and services^^<br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/vdzGhNQ.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

If you see a guy like this thats me, so pm me in game if you want to know more about the guild :) (yes i love blue!)<br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/MyBcxfZ.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/>

(Special thanks to Markenshi for making this great banner for our guild <3 <3)<br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/EH6eG59.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>





<GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>Requirements<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/>

Here are the requirements:<br/>

-You should be able to use Discord(An app which we can chat and have events on)<br/>

-Over 8 badges is needed<br/>

-Active more than once a week<br/>

-You should be able to speak English<br/>


<GLOW glow="blue"><s>[glow=blue]</s>PVPERS ARE REALLY WELCOME AND ALSO PEOPLE WHO LOVE ZOURA <3<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/>




<GLOW glow="blue"><s>[glow=blue]</s>Members<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW> 63/75<br/>



</s><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/F6ZWsuY.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/yhhQQie.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/F0J7E9Z.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/zc60tYg.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/ESDNRHx.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/uNbyWob.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/mkpByl2.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/5CldRhe.png"><s></e></IMG><e>





<GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>Upcoming events and services<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW>


</s>-FIND THAT NPC!!(In this event you will have to find a npc in the whole kanto region. It will be hard but the reward will be worth it^^)<br/>


-HIDE AND SEEK(You are going to have to find me but be careful since i might clothe myself as someone else)<br/>


-DAYCARE (Daycare is where you can buy services to train your poke's evs and lvls) <E>:Heart:</E><br/>


-CATCH THAT POKEMON(In this event you have to find a poke with a certain ability, in a certain location->person with the highest ivs wins)<e>




<GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>Applying form<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/>

1.What is your IGN(In Game Name)?<br/>

2.How many badges collected and how many hours do you have?<br/>

3.Why do you want to join Illusion?<br/>

4.Can you install Discord(100% needed)?<br/>

5.What is your fav poke(Curiosity)?<br/>

6.Can you be active in the game but also in Discord?<br/>


Hope many people join and hope you have alot of fun in our guild <E>:Grin:</E><e>



<GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>For registeration summit your appling form in the thread(100% NEEDED)<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><e>


Hey Han! Good luck with your guild! I love your discord btw ;)<e>



Thanks revo <3</r>

Re: GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<t>1.What is your IGN(In Game Name) : Mryeoui<br/>

2.How many badges collected and how many hours do you have : I curently have 24 badges and 180 hours of playing xD<br/>

3.Why do you want to join Illusion : I want to learn more about Pokemon , how to PvP and make some new friend :D<br/>

4.Can you install Discord(100% needed): Already have that<br/>

5.What is your fav poke(Curiosity): Mightyena is my fav poke ( because i like dog and dark type xD )<br/>

6.Can you be active in the game but also in Discord : Yes, I can</t>

Re: GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r><QUOTE author="MrYeoui"><s>

</s><POST content="311630"><s></s>311630<e></e></POST> 1.What is your IGN(In Game Name) : Mryeoui<br/>

2.How many badges collected and how many hours do you have : I curently have 24 badges and 180 hours of playing xD<br/>

3.Why do you want to join Illusion : I want to learn more about Pokemon , how to PvP and make some new friend :D<br/>

4.Can you install Discord(100% needed): Already have that<br/>

5.What is your fav poke(Curiosity): Mightyena is my fav poke ( because i like dog and dark type xD )<br/>

6.Can you be active in the game but also in Discord : Yes, I can<e>



hey MrYeoui thank you for applying for our guild :) i'll pm you the discord server link <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>

Re: GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming}


<r>Good Day Sir/Mam ^_^<br/>


Please update ur info to <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=55037"><s></s>List of Guild Registration<e></e></URL><br/>


Thank you sir/mam..</r>

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