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Halloween Event


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299536 In my oppinion, staff shouldnt talk about any new events beforehand. Im here since before the launch of the beta

Something gets announced. Then it gets delayed. It gets an ETA. Then it gets delayed again and staff say there wasnt an ETA at all. And finally in December we get our Halloween Event. The history of Pro.


sad but it's true....hoenn was a example

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300393 Hello everyone,


while I agree what has been said by barney (TLDR: no dissapointment if no event was announced) I really have to say that it would still feel odd getting a halloween event 4-5 days (or even weeks) later. Nontheless i fully understand that the staff is working on this and try to get it running as soon as possible. Sometimes you can do only so much and your best is not good enough. So thank you at everyone working on this.



Yes, the "right" time has passed, the magic of the moment's gone, but hey, better late than never, right? Besides, after time and dedication spent on this, that would be rude to say to them "Halloween is in October and we're not in October anymore, begone"

Besides, the Summer event started in September and people still enjoyed it ^^

I myself would be sadder if the event was canceled rather than delayed

So yeah, I feel you


299536 In my oppinion, staff shouldnt talk about any new events beforehand. Im here since before the launch of the beta and its always the same:


Something gets announced. Then it gets delayed. It gets an ETA. Then it gets delayed again and staff say there wasnt an ETA at all. And finally in December we get our Halloween Event. The history of Pro.


If nothing gets announced, people wont be disappointed. It's as simple as that.

I don't know, I have mixed feelings about this:


- Yes, it'd be easy to just say nothing, they wouldn't have any obligation, and disappoint nobody because of delays;


- No, because people judge the game on its updates as it is not a finished game, they expect events/new content, and if nothing is announced, they'll just assume that nothing will happen, therefore that the game is dead (or at least dying).

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I really appreciate the work that is done with events and the game in general, but... yeah the hype is gone. I was hyping for a few days and now I'm just indifferent about it. I still think it's better to wait and get a good version of the event not a buggy one or incomplete, nevertheless I'm sure many people just don't care at this point. Probably when the event will be on, most of us will appreciate the amount of work that was put in making the event come true :) Still, thanks for your hard work!

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Any kind of information would be sweet!

I finished Kanto on monday and want to go to Jotho since, but I'm afraid to miss a lot of event time due to region swap.


I don't know if I gotta reach a certain point in Jotho to participate in the event or what lvl of pokemon I need for the event. Additionally I have no clue when it hits or how long it will be there. Does the event hit in a week or later so I can potentially finish a large part of jotho beforehand or does it hit tomorrow and I'll only have lvl 10s? Will it last months so it doesn't matter if I miss a week or two or will it only last a couple of weeks?


I find myself in a weird spot because I want to explore and progress, but the daily possibility of the Halloween event release and the lack of information concerning the event is stopping me. I know there are a lot of problems with releasing information especially ETAs, but at least some vague information (like "probably won't be this week" / "not within the next couple of days") would help a lot.

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301785 Any kind of information would be sweet!

I finished Kanto on monday and want to go to Jotho since, but I'm afraid to miss a lot of event time due to region swap.


I don't know if I gotta reach a certain point in Jotho to participate in the event or what lvl of pokemon I need for the event. Additionally I have no clue when it hits or how long it will be there. Does the event hit in a week or later so I can potentially finish a large part of jotho beforehand or does it hit tomorrow and I'll only have lvl 10s? Will it last months so it doesn't matter if I miss a week or two or will it only last a couple of weeks?


I find myself in a weird spot because I want to explore and progress, but the daily possibility of the Halloween event release and the lack of information concerning the event is stopping me. I know there are a lot of problems with releasing information especially ETAs, but at least some vague information (like "probably won't be this week" / "not within the next couple of days") would help a lot.


Nothing is known at this point. There was a client update today, I would assume has something to do with it. If I were you, i'd be patient. Theres plenty of things to do in Kanto on a daily basis to keep you occupied until the event happens.





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The right thing to do here(or next time) is don't even work on Halloween event or any event if you are not gonna make the "deadline", aim for the next possible event. In this case, if the team know they won't be able to make the Halloween date, don't even make an Halloween event, just aim straight for an on time Christmas event. I would rather have 1 good on-time Christmas event rather than 1 late Halloween event and 1 late Christmas event. Know your limit and work around it, the users won't blame if you just skip Halloween and aim for a well-prepared and on-time Christmas event. With the progress lately, I think we will have Halloween event at Christmas time and Christmas event at Valentine time, and that's just got great.

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I don't mind not making the date. It's way better to release late than not at all or unfinished. Also I don't think that holliday specific events are necessarily the best way to go. Season based events or events based on hollidays within the world of Pokemon have many advantages.


The only thing that disturbed and still disturps my gameplay is the lack of information. The announcement of a Halloween themed event raised expectations that the event will hit shortly before or on Halloween. This led to me delaying my progress in wait for the event (-> not continuing to Jotho). Shortly after Halloween, there was information that the team is testing and bugfixing and trying to ship the event asap. This information was far from an exact timeframe but again made the impression that it could be released any day now, what again led to me delaying my progression. I am not aware of any other Halloween event information released since then and I am still crusing through Kanto thinking "What are the chances of the event being released tomorrow? Could I still get most Jotho badges if it hits in X days and I go asap?".


Ofc I am partly to blame for that because of my expectations and I don't blame the team for the delay of the event. Patch delays due to bugs are not uncommon in almost any game. Additionally the dev team is working in their free time I'm more than happy and thankful for everything we get (no matter when). But it would be great if the communication aspect would be a little better :)

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Can one of the staff who has permission to speak about the Halloween Event come and give some explanations. So far there was only two leaks of the event's map but that alone is no indication of the progress of its completion. I think it's wrong to play on users hype like that and have them wait for days with no feedback from the staff whatsoever. We have to write replies like this before someone comes out and says something. Is this what PRO has become? To pull-out information otherwise we're left in the dark?


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301819 The right thing to do here(or next time) is don't even work on Halloween event or any event if you are not gonna make the "deadline", aim for the next possible event. In this case, if the team know they won't be able to make the Halloween date, don't even make an Halloween event, just aim straight for an on time Christmas event. I would rather have 1 good on-time Christmas event rather than 1 late Halloween event and 1 late Christmas event. Know your limit and work around it, the users won't blame if you just skip Halloween and aim for a well-prepared and on-time Christmas event. With the progress lately, I think we will have Halloween event at Christmas time and Christmas event at Valentine time, and that's just got great.

the staff is really working hard guys c'mon they do what they do to bring the best out of this game ..........................................................................and let's be honest guys the staff have lives ok they are doing this for free for the love of pokemon just chill guys






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