Luuiizs Posted October 31, 2016 Share Posted October 31, 2016 Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <r>4m <E>:Grin:</E></r> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest LiquidSnakeK Posted October 31, 2016 Share Posted October 31, 2016 Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <r><QUOTE author="LajatoRafael"><s></s><POST content="297598"><s></s>297598<e></e></POST> already got bo but only 17m<e></e></QUOTE> If this were a smaller amount like 5-8m I wouldn't even care. But 17m? BO? With no proof? <E>:boot:</E></r> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bushez Posted October 31, 2016 Share Posted October 31, 2016 Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <r>Thank you SnakeK and Gamblicious. So I'm not the only one to not being blind <br/> <br/> Yes, your talon is nice, but you're gonna have to prove other than <QUOTE author="Crushing"><s></s><POST content="297625"><s></s>297625<e></e></POST><br/> This my poke and it have a bo 17m but i want to start at 20m .<e></e></QUOTE> Who cares about your botting guild mate and how much he was ripped off with his talon.. you may NOT say something as ridiculous as "I'll start this auction at 20m don't low ball bc Bo is 17m" without a proof. It's not 100k. It's 17m. U don't even seem to be getting how much that is in game time and effort.</r> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heycavalier Posted October 31, 2016 Share Posted October 31, 2016 Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <t>Lol this OP kiddo thinks he a highroller or some ish. Bruh go look at the mf dictionary and see that E-P-I-C means 151+ IVs urs ain't got 140 lmaooooo<br/> <br/> my bid is 400k take it or leave it.</t> Check my Mall! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Siver Posted October 31, 2016 Share Posted October 31, 2016 Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <t>100k ....</t> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diabo123 Posted October 31, 2016 Share Posted October 31, 2016 Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <t>Maybe he is overpricing it..<br/> But I dont get why are you all so mad about that. He is selling one thing and none of you is forced to offer/buy it. <br/> He didn't say bo is 17m, just that bo starts at 20m because he once was offered 20m, that doesn't need to be proved guys.<br/> Let him do his business or the ones in the "wrong" would problably be you all.<br/> I don't know him, thats just my opinion (and I don't know the "bot" story thro)<br/> <br/> <br/> EDIT: was offered 17m*</t> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest LiquidSnakeK Posted October 31, 2016 Share Posted October 31, 2016 Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <r><QUOTE author="LajatoRafael"><s></s> already got bo but only 17m<e></e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="diabo123"><s></s>He didn't say bo is 17m <e></e></QUOTE> I mean he did.. I'm not trying to bad mouth him or whatever, but lets be a little transparent shall we? If I was to post a pokemon for 20m and I had a Best Offer of 17m that was LEGIT, I would have screenshotted it and posted it in the thread. Why? So people don't assume I'm just lying and think I'm trying to just gouge the price so they can get scammed into paying more than what someone actually didn't even bid. Its common courtesy when you're dealing in the amount the OP is talking in. As I said, 7m? 8m? Sure ok. But $17.000.000? Its not that any of us cannot afford such a price tag, its merely that there is no proof of such an offer in the first place.</r> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jamirakway Posted November 1, 2016 Share Posted November 1, 2016 Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <r><E>:Nervous:</E> you guys just want that talon so bad ... but dont have that kind of money... well thats life <br/> <br/> that talon can be ticket to go up in pvp rank ladder so the price is reasonable for me</r> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kazeaze Posted November 1, 2016 Share Posted November 1, 2016 Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <r><QUOTE author="bushez"><s></s><POST content="297747"><s></s>297747<e></e></POST> Thank you SnakeK and Gamblicious. So I'm not the only one to not being blind <br/> <br/> Yes, your talon is nice, but you're gonna have to prove other than <QUOTE author="Crushing"><s></s><POST content="297625"><s></s>297625<e></e></POST><br/> This my poke and it have a bo 17m but i want to start at 20m .<e></e></QUOTE> Who cares about your botting guild mate and how much he was ripped off with his talon.. you may NOT say something as ridiculous as "I'll start this auction at 20m don't low ball bc Bo is 17m" without a proof. It's not 100k. It's 17m. U don't even seem to be getting how much that is in game time and effort.<e></e></QUOTE> hmm. why are so mad bruh being over priced? come on dude your playing in PRO or playing barbie? you care in this talon for being over price and u dont care MS being over price price now is 700k. He didnt even forcing you to bid/buy. beside it not your poke dude maybe u can also over price your poke. Maybe he cant get SS of the offer "17m" because he dont want to sell his poke that time. so his mind change and try to sell higher than the offer before.</r> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kazeaze Posted November 1, 2016 Share Posted November 1, 2016 Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <r><QUOTE author="heyCavalier"><s></s><POST content="297768"><s></s>297768<e></e></POST> Lol this OP kiddo thinks he a highroller or some ish. Bruh go look at the mf dictionary and see that E-P-I-C means 151+ IVs urs ain't got 140 lmaooooo<br/> <br/> my bid is 400k take it or leave it.<e></e></QUOTE> I like your dictionary mate. Can you look this "Mind your own business" in Google ? <E>:Shy:</E> <E>:Angel:</E></r> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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