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Guild vs Guild


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Hi I guys I think that I have a good idea


What about Guild vs Guild Battles ? A certain amount of players from your guild facing off against a certain amount of another guild. Not only will this make more people want to join a guild it also gives players who finished the game a new purpose. I think it should be like the PvP system that you guys have with points and at the end of the season we get rewards.


Thanks for all the hard work that you guys put into this game :thanks:

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299304 Hi I guys I think that I have a good idea


What about Guild vs Guild Battles ? A certain amount of players from your guild facing off against a certain amount of another guild. Not only will this make more people want to join a guild it also gives players who finished the game a new purpose. I think it should be like the PvP system that you guys have with points and at the end of the season we get rewards.


Thanks for all the hard work that you guys put into this game :thanks:

I agree because right now there is no point in joining a guild

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Guest LiquidSnakeK

The recent guild update added exp bonuses so they're not really "pointless" anymore

They're borderline for pvp oriented guilds. The new updates are more geared towards pve with the exp boosts etc. I understand that the PRO team has alot they are working on at any given time, but a large update aimed at the pvp scene would be much appreciated especially in the long run, as pvp for some of us is the true end game that PRO has to offer.


So having perhaps either guild wars with rewards, or maybe some NPCs that only guild members can speak to and providing rewards based on performance against the boss etc. Just an idea. But a fresh smell to the pvp end game would be lovely :Angel:

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299967 -snip-


The recent guild update added exp bonuses so they're not really "pointless" anymore

I understand that guild's are not useless but a lot of guilds arrange matches between themselves and we generally have a lot of fun and we play alot more before it because we want to train out certain Pokemon or help train our fellow guild members Pokemon

So it would also keep alot of players that are playing the game to keep playing even if they finish the game

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  • 2 weeks later...
299311 As the leader of a top pvp guild, I would love this feature!!! It would be so much fun to [glow=red]DESTROY[/glow] other guilds :3 +1 :devil:



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