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@Thor - Boss reward


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So, i would like to ask you if you can code to synchronize work when we will be able to pick up the best reward, if we could use our synchronize, because it will be a nice reward after beat a strong boss for 3-5 times and may we can get a modest turtwing... so, can you made synchronize work in this case?

will there bosses that we will must beat 5 times to pick up the best reward, so, 5 times is 2 months and a half, 2 months and a half to receive a modest turtwing, modest dratini, sassy larvesta, neutral nature froakie.... after beat 5 times a strong boss.



sorry my english.

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305061 eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vaW1hZ2UucHJudHNjci5jb20vaW1hZ2UvNzRjYjA1NGIwZWNhNDdhNjk5OTc0Y2Q0ZjMzZTc2NzYucG5nIn0.S92SMLggzIMIZsgsm9Bq1Qtc-Ig


So, i would like to ask you if when we will be able to pick up the best reward, if we could use our synchronize, because it will be a nice reward after beat a strong boss for 3-5 times and may we can get a modest turtwing... so, can you made synchronize work in this case?



sorry my english.

As far as I know, synchronize only works on natural wild battles and NPC wild battles (such as headbutts, daycare pokes, etc) where you should actually catch the pokes with pokeballs. So I don't think it will work if the pokes are to be given directly by the NPC :/

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the technique is already there -> Hoenn Sync fossils


but I guess I see him rather work on bringing this function to all boss fights than working on this little suggestion

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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305072 Well there is already a solution for this: Gingery Jones Boss, spawns the pokemon (reward) behind you after defeating him. So this would be an option.


yeah he doesnt xd

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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305068 yep, i'm asking if him can code this.

What Inheritence was suggesting is, the actual system of how sync works would need an entire recoding, as its through the process of wild encounter (1 on 1 encounter) where sync takes effect, in essence you never actually fight the pokemon you receive as a reward, so the entire system of how sync works would likely need a rework - from my understanding of it all - and likely will not happen.


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305061 So, i would like to ask you if you can code to synchronize work when we will be able to pick up the best reward, if we could use our synchronize, because it will be a nice reward after beat a strong boss for 3-5 times and may we can get a modest turtwing... so, can you made synchronize work in this case?


Like Ginger Jones who lets you get a "wild" encounter! It would be amazing!

305072 Well there is already a solution for this: Gingery Jones Boss, spawns the pokemon (reward) behind you after defeating him. So this would be an option.


^ :Cool:

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