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Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price!


<t>Owlman244's fletchinder is ev'd atk and hp for 90k and returned :D</t>

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

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Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price!


<t>Took prehax's 2 digglet on lvl 19 for ev and lvl up till 95<br/>





took hitman200218's riolu for ev atk and spd :D</t>

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price!








[glow=red]"In this world,where ever there is light - there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be loosers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love."[/glow]

Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price!


<r><QUOTE author="owlman244" post_id="374060" time="1492075999" user_id="1598028"><s>


really nice and fast service... would love this!!! <br/>

recommended for y'all!<br/>




thanks a lot for great words bruh <3<br/>


<QUOTE author="nicksupergod" post_id="374153" time="1492101126" user_id="1426375"><s>






yo mah man how you doin!! <3</r>

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price!


<t>Completed and returned Prehax's digglets x2 and took Timburr from him to ev and lvl.<br/>


took pokecarrot's magikarp to lvl up (40 - 80)</t>

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price!


<t>pokecarrot's magikarp and dragonair done lvling waiting for pick up<br/>


prehax's timburr done ev and lvl up awaiting pick up<br/>


hitman200218's riolu done waiting for pick up<br/>


took vrishan033's eevee for eving ..!!</t>

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price!


<r><FONT font="Arial"><s></s><e></e></FONT><QUOTE author="Hiddentree" post_id="374332" time="1492152535" user_id="1473254"><s>


pokecarrot's magikarp and dragonair done lvling waiting for pick up<br/>


prehax's timburr done ev and lvl up awaiting pick up<br/>


hitman200218's riolu done waiting for pick up<br/>


took vrishan033's eevee for eving ..!!<br/>


</e></QUOTE>Amazing lvl up and ev training service,fast and cheap,love it and recommend it <3</r>

Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price!


<r><QUOTE author="PokeCarrot" post_id="374610" time="1492212234" user_id="1358659"><s>




</e></QUOTE>Amazing lvl up and ev training service,fast and cheap,love it and recommend it <3<br/>



Thanks for suck great words ^^</r>

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price!


<t>^fast daycarer, does a good job for a good price :3 would suggest him to everyone :P</t>

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