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I am selling all the items that pokemon hold, you need to post down here naming the item and which pokemon hold it in the wild.


If i don't have the item i can catch it for you in very less time so consider me having that item :)


Price differs for every item so i'll let you know the price of the specific item you wanted :)

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

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Smokeball Hold : Weezing, Koffing, Grimer -> Cinnabar Mansion 3


I want 15x Ill pay 30k each



  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

Smokeball Hold : Weezing, Koffing, Grimer -> Cinnabar Mansion 3


I want 15x Ill pay 30k each




smoke ball a little more i sold few for 60k but as you asking in bulk quantity i may sell you for 45k each what say ?

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

Smokeball Hold : Weezing, Koffing, Grimer -> Cinnabar Mansion 3


I want 15x Ill pay 30k each




smoke ball a little more i sold few for 60k but as you asking in bulk quantity i may sell you for 45k each what say ?


Ill buy 20 for each 40k then, sounds like a good deal to me

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

shiny stone - love island togepi

protector - cerulean cave rhydon


i can't get the shiny stone but i can try for protector it will cost 40k if ya agree


40k is good


Also Blacksludge - Grimmer Muk in Cinnabar Mansion


black sludge 40k as well and it is ready

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

Smokeball Hold : Weezing, Koffing, Grimer -> Cinnabar Mansion 3


I want 15x Ill pay 30k each




smoke ball a little more i sold few for 60k but as you asking in bulk quantity i may sell you for 45k each what say ?


Ill buy 20 for each 40k then, sounds like a good deal to me



yup i am cool with it got 8 smokeballs ready hunting for more :)

Doing daycare and ev training pm me for info or check on Yellow Trade Fourm

308541 yup i am cool with it got 8 smokeballs ready hunting for more :)


pm me here if you have all 20 :)

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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