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About Blue Server



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309002 Blue server has a great family in game/chat with great people and staff, more players on that server would be awesome.


I've noticed more people joining, maybe other ways current players may spread the word.

Such as social media / other network sharing gets you for example small amount of coins with cool down / authorizations etc. (non-abusive)


Can help the membership pricing as well. Just a thought.

I agree say like a ref code so if you invite somebody and they play for a certain amount of hours you get say 5 coins. The only problem with this idea is this will encourage more people to make bots and use them to get coins and money and even Pokemon so this isn't a win-win situation


Not at all, strictly sharing via networking sites, to obtain more players, no other ways to get coins. You might have misunderstood.


Current Player -> shares on 1 authorized media network -> New Player

If no players join : Obtains .5 coin for trying, refreshes in 1week/2weeks on 1 media website (example)

If X # of players joins: Refreshes in 3 weeks/1 month receives 2 coins for getting player, New Player receives extra 5% gold/money for being referred.


This would increase game play, prices of MS would decrease, More players to purchase to sell.


Its quite a bit complicated, have to think all the ways through. I apologize if this is the inappropriate location to do so.

That's actually a brilliant idea +1

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309008 when im just new in game i just make an topic and i said only mods can fixed it..why ot make an fixed price of ms..but they didnt accept it..but now they cant do anything to fix blue again and make it great..if they do some of my idea do u think its gonna be happen?? if they fixed the price ...


Highly doubt they can change the coin price for anything, would be unfair to any players, more people should learn about the game in my opinion. Release some more Pokemon, allow certain current members only Pokemon to be available to new players, or non-members. Prices are un-adjustable since it would be unfair to current players in any server.


Or maybe we can wait for new events and perma-love island type Halloween map to create some excitement.

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308989 Its not about default server. People have the choice to join any of the 3 servers. Sometimes ppl dont know which server to join so they join the first server(yellow) that comes during login page. But i agree blue server has least player of all server.

and i dont think there is anything like default server

By default server I mean the server that comes first xD


Then Red server is not a default server according to what u say. But still it has highest no. of players and ppl while joining prefers red server sometimes



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308989 Its not about default server. People have the choice to join any of the 3 servers. Sometimes ppl dont know which server to join so they join the first server(yellow) that comes during login page. But i agree blue server has least player of all server.

and i dont think there is anything like default server

By default server I mean the server that comes first xD


Then Red server is not a default server according to what u say. But still it has highest no. of players and ppl while joining prefers red server sometimes

But my point is blue never was maybe that will at least gain us a few new players

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