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Finish story then only focus on finding epic pokemon?


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Hii.. i am pretty new to this game.. so should i simply get any pokemon, and finish the story then slowly find epic pokemon or start to find epic from starting game? Coz the pokeball is quite expensive for starting.. any thought?

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Being epic depends on the stats of the Poke. There is no exact definition, but usually a Poke is called epic if it has a nature that fits its strengths and weaknesses (for example a Timid Gengar is good because Gengar doesn't use normal attacks but can profit from the extra speed), at least 2 of the important IVs (usually SPD and SATK or ATK) are 28+ and the others are good too (20+ with maybe 1 exception allowed). Then again others have higher or lower standards for calling a Poke epic.

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