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Elm BOSS bug



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i had the same problem with Arnie who asked me to come back in -44h but he worked corectly the next day.

I think that bosses still have 14 days cooldown but time to come back is already 12 days that's why you have minus time, just wait to -48h

(sorry for my inglish :P)

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There are lots of threads about this issue with replies already. Repeating it won't change anything.


Thor made changes to the bosses that caused an issue where all bosses could be rebattled without cooldowns. This was fixed, but then all the cooldowns were reset, and the immediate timer busted.


All you need to do now is to wait for the actual cooldown (2 weeks or whatever cooldown for the boss is) and battle them after that cooldown. The changes were made on the 19th of November. Things should be back to normal saturday 3rd or sunday 4th of december for bosses with 2 week cooldowns.


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Be polite and patient if you need support. While users with the symbols +, % and @ are the chat staff, they are not necessarily also game staff, but they can usually advise you. That said, forums are better for reporting issues and bugs.

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