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Make PRO Great Again


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i checked /online.

RED : 387/1825

Blue : 287/1825

Yellow: 326/1825.


Please fusion server if u can.

And make tools playtime.


A player just have 6h/days for farm Poke$. When 6h+ have 0 for all (wild/npc/..).

Because botting everywhere , many on (Dragon dens , Cerulean , Victory road kanto...) GM can't check all.


or i think player got banned will come back New server or no.


I now all people boring now.

I don't want my love game die like again.


My first PKM online is ( pokemon-world-online)


Sorry if my english not very well , thank for read

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I'll start by saying that you took the playercount at the wrong time. Most Americans are asleep and a lot of Europeans just woke up or are at school/ work. What you displayed isn't an accurate representation on PRO's average playercount.



315751 Please fusion server if u can.

This is impossible. Some players have saves on multiple servers, if two servers merged then these players would have to start again from scratch; and I don't see that going down well. Combining severs wont really solve anything as next year, during Summer when everyone is free again, there will be another massive influx of players. At that point there will be huge queue and everyone will complain and ask for a new server. Then after a few months the player count will die down again and there will be posts like these popping up on the forums every now and then. I feel that this cycle will continue for as long as PRO exists.

315751 Because botting everywhere , many on (Dragon dens , Cerulean , Victory road kanto...) GM can't check all.

Also, don't worry about this. Staff are bringing in plenty of new apprentices who will be able to help moderate the game :)


Check out PRO's Official Discord:


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315758 I'll start by saying that you took the playercount at the wrong time. Most Americans are asleep and a lot of Europeans just woke up or are at school/ work. What you displayed isn't an accurate representation on PRO's average playercount.



315751 Please fusion server if u can.

This is impossible. Some players have saves on multiple servers, if two servers merged then these players would have to start again from scratch; and I don't see that going down well. Combining severs wont really solve anything as next year, during Summer when everyone is free again, there will be another massive influx of players. At that point there will be huge queue and everyone will complain and ask for a new server. Then after a few months the player count will die down again and there will be posts like these popping up on the forums every now and then. I feel that this cycle will continue for as long as PRO exists.

315751 Because botting everywhere , many on (Dragon dens , Cerulean , Victory road kanto...) GM can't check all.

Also, don't worry about this. Staff are bringing in plenty of new apprentices who will be able to help moderate the game :)

If still like now , i think PRO can't wait next summer.

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315759 If still like now , i think PRO can't wait next summer.

And fuse servers would "make it great again" ?

Did you build a wall between your eyes and reality ? What would it change, except one bigger number displayed ? There would be the same amount of total players; actually, maybe even a bit less because people would lose their progress on other servers



Besides, it already got suggested many times: even if they would, they couldn't technically fuse servers into one. Not to mention what already Nathan stated.



You joined the game yesterday, don't worry you'll enjoy it all the same whether there are 1000+ login queue or "only" 600 players online on your server... probably even more in the latter

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