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I have an issue with the excavation sites already for 2 months now. There don´t appear anymore rare Pokemon like ( Timbur, Clauncher, yanma, pawniard etc. ) just the normal Pokemon. i have Membership and i am already a Master in archaeology. i asked an GM and he told me that the Issue is already Fixed but on my Account it still don´t work for 2 months now ??


Can someone help me thnx in advanced.

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318471 Hello,


I have an issue with the excavation sites already for 2 months now. There don´t appear anymore rare Pokemon like ( Timbur, Clauncher, yanma, pawniard etc. ) just the normal Pokemon. i have Membership and i am already a Master in archaeology. i asked an GM and he told me that the Issue is already Fixed but on my Account it still don´t work for 2 months now ??


Can someone help me thnx in advanced.


same here

I have 8500+ discoveries plus membership, and I can't even find one beldum, pawniard, timburr anymore, plus it says "oops you destroyed something good"; why would it have this issue when I have enough to access everything? It's just so odd, isn't it now?

Life is the never-ending masquerade ball. The mask of society shrouds all in layers of mystery, to such an extent that no one person truly knows another. The guests constantly disguising themselves with anything they can find: joy, hatred, tears, laughter, love, etc... to suit their current needs.

318639 do u have membership guys?



ok just read you have membership no idea then i was inactive 3 months tried today only the pawniard exca site and i meet only houndours never heared about the bug i hope is fixed cuz as i know the admin who coded the exca sites have quit pro team :/

318471 Hello,


I have an issue with the excavation sites already for 2 months now. There don´t appear anymore rare Pokemon like ( Timbur, Clauncher, yanma, pawniard etc. ) just the normal Pokemon. i have Membership and i am already a Master in archaeology. i asked an GM and he told me that the Issue is already Fixed but on my Account it still don´t work for 2 months now ??


Can someone help me thnx in advanced.



i have the same issue too


Yup, master archaeologist + pickaxe + ms and till now I have never encountered a single Beldum/Pawniard/Yamask/Absol/Timburr/Litleo/Aron/Bouffalant.

Was fortunate enough to get a Vanillite from the shiny rock at Glacial site, but that was over two months ago and I had only 200-300 discoveries.

Clearly the sites seem bugged, there is no reason/motivation for me or anyone who is a master archaeologist to go excavate because rare pokemon are just not spawning.

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