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I need to keep it short because I need to get back to the game. Actions speak louder than words.


-In battle, make the battle screen full size, stetch the pixels, but keep the square shape, no blurring of the graphics to hide its pixelated beauty. Or just make that option available. I have to squint my eyes in battle. GO little pokemons go!

-In battle when its your turn, make "Fight Options" be popped up as default. Don't make me click the fight button every time. Most the time I want to simply mash Tackle! Tackle!

-Make WASD and Arrow keys work for the dialog screens, and battle screen by default. Press W to highlight Yes. S to highlight No. Etc. Eliminate the mouse requirement during battle. I like Pokemmos setup with controls if you need examples.


I see hotkey bindings in the menu, As first impressions perspective, it would be convenient to have the top 3 suggestions. Have WASD and Arrow keys defualted to control menu screens. I'm playing the game on my laptop without a mouse.

Keep pokeballs on you.

321331 By default, you can lock keys to the option in battle:

1 - Fight

2 - Pokemon

3 - Bag

4 - Run

Yep, and...


1 - Fight

    1.- Move one

    2.- Move two

    3.- Move three

    4.- Move four

2 - Pokemon

    1.- Poke one

    2.- Poke two

    3.- Poke three

    4.- Poke four

    5.- Poke five

    6.- Poke six

3 - Bag

    Need mouse in any opcions

4 - Run


:Crazy: :y:

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