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Re: Bellas Poké Pound: Durant 3x30 1x31 Ends today.


<r><QUOTE author="DrZtroom"><s>

</s><POST content="48028"><s></s>48028<e></e></POST> Hey bella..if u come across a murkrow...andu have adamant or jolly sync...catch it and show it to me..im LF epic one and i can pay good<e>


I have a fair few of them and was planning on put them up in here as soon as the event was over but Ill have a look through the ones I thought were acceptable and let you know :)<br/>


<QUOTE author="FujiwaraRiku"><s>

</s><POST content="47991"><s></s>47991<e></e></POST> is that so,but i guess i offer 80k for the 2#durant<e>


Thanks a lot ill update it now!</r>

Re: Bellas Poké Pound: Durant 3x30 1x31 Ends today.


<r><QUOTE author="ShadowSkill"><s>

</s><POST content="47121"><s></s>47121<e></e></POST> Forgot to read your rules, so I edited my post. I would like to offer 100k for docile durant<e>


Dragondark Bid 110 Online. I have a screenshot if you need it :)<br/>

Silver bid 120K - Dragondark is out.</r>

Re: Bellas Poké Pound: Durant 3x30 1x31 Ends today.


<r><QUOTE author="JohnGPS"><s>

</s><POST content="48269"><s></s>48269<e></e></POST> I offer 100k for Staryu Lv.16 Sp.Atk 29 (First on the second row)<br/>


I offer 90k for Lapras Lv.15 Sp.Def 27(Second on the first row)<e>



Thank you very much! Offers accepted and updated on 1st page :)</r>

Re: Bellas Poké Pound: Durant 3x30 1x31 Ends today.


<r><QUOTE author="Bella"><s>

</s><POST content="48214"><s></s>48214<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="ShadowSkill"><s>
</s><POST content="47121"><s></s>47121<e></e></POST> Forgot to read your rules, so I edited my post. I would like to offer 100k for docile durant<e>


Dragondark Bid 110 Online. I have a screenshot if you need it :)<br/>

Silver bid 120K - Dragondark is out.<e>


It's ok bella. Just bought a lot of things lately so I'm gonna wait for new pokes in your store <E>:kiss:</E></r>


Re: Bellas Poké Pound: Durant 3x30 1x31 Ends today.


<r><QUOTE author="ShadowSkill"><s>

</s><POST content="48345"><s></s>48345<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Bella"><s>
</s><POST content="48214"><s></s>48214<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="ShadowSkill"><s>
</s><POST content="47121"><s></s>47121<e></e></POST> Forgot to read your rules, so I edited my post. I would like to offer 100k for docile durant<e>


Dragondark Bid 110 Online. I have a screenshot if you need it :)<br/>

Silver bid 120K - Dragondark is out.<e>


It's ok bella. Just bought a lot of things lately so I'm gonna wait for new pokes in your store <E>:kiss:</E><e>



Thanks for getting back to me. No worries! Happy hunting and thank you for bidding!</r>

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