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359432 Fire:







These all works for Hidden power Fire. :)


If you want to see other Hidden Power Types Check this Link.

It's nice but... call me when you find a Magnemite with this IVs in PRO :')


What should i do when i catch 450 Magnemite Modest Magnet Pull ? (I did it so 450 is not just a random number :p). I enter all the IVs in the Calculator in net? It takes a lot of time. The 4 combinaisons of IVs by Oldtomato don't help me, it's the better IVs, not the "real" i can find.


There are two ways to gain time :

- Create an excel that gives me the HP Type (or find one on Internet, maybe it already exists). It's what i did, and i gained a lot of time (i didn't know the even/odd method).

- Use the even/odd method given by diabo123 (the faster method).


How to use it?

I take an example :



Attack+Def = 8 + 29 = 37 = odd => Ok

Speed = 24 = even => Ok

Sp.atk = 18 = even => Ok

Sp.def = 3 = odd => Ok

Hp = 27 => Ok


So this Magnemite is HP Fire, it takes 3 seconds with only head ;)


An other example :


Attack+Def = 8 + 20 = 28 = not odd => Not HP Fire.


It takes less than 1 second.



So, you just have to learn :

  • Attack+Def= odd
    Speed = even
    Sp.atk = even
    Sp.def = odd
    Hp: X (any is ok)


And you will gain a lot of time. Not need Calculator.

Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion



Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver


My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9

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