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Shellder is impossible to find.


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I've been searching for a Shellder for ages now, I've spent at least 2 hours finding one.


The main routes I've been searching is Route 21 & Route 19. It says you need a fishing rod to get him, but I've had no luck. I'm currently using the Good Rod.

If anyone can help me out here and knows if there is a better spot for finding one, please reply! Thanks! :Grin: :thanks:

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325960 I'm currently using the Good Rod.


The recommended rod to use is, Super Rod.


I personally hunt at Olivine city, Johto coz i can then hunt staryus when night is up. Most people suggests that area too. There are some areas that are good too tho but it all depends on the hunter what suits well for him.





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325960 I'm currently using the Good Rod.


The recommended rod to use is, Super Rod.


I personally hunt at Olivine city, Johto coz i can then hunt staryus when night is up. Most people suggests that area too. There are some areas that are good too tho but it all depends on the hunter what suits well for him.


Well shoot. I'm only in Kanto at the moment and I want one to go through the E4 with it. But I guess i'll have to pass on Shellder. Thanks for the help anyways though!

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325960 I've been searching for a Shellder for ages now, I've spent at least 2 hours finding one.


The main routes I've been searching is Route 21 & Route 19. It says you need a fishing rod to get him, but I've had no luck. I'm currently using the Good Rod.

If anyone can help me out here and knows if there is a better spot for finding one, please reply! Thanks! :Grin: :thanks:

-Moved to General Support and Locked as sufficient answers have been given-


Quoting answer for visibility,

325999 Yeah, you need Super Rod.


In the past I asked in a thread why Shellder is so impossible to obtain, and a staff (think it was Red?) asked me if I was using Super Rod.

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