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326816 Hello, i've been trying for some days but i really don't know how to put a screenshot on the forum :/ can you please tell me how to do it ?


Hello Tazarox, to learn how to post pictures in the forum you can use this guide.


Quoting for easy access:


There are many services that you can use to upload your photos, and some may relate to your country only.


Be aware that if photos are deleted from their host website they will no longer work in a post, as the image will no longer exist. Some hosts also periodically clear images that receive very few views - so some of your images may be lost over time.


These are the homepages of the three most-used services:



[glow=grey]1[/glow] At this point you will have the direct link to the image you want to upload.

If you do not know how to find the direct link for an image, scroll down to find the service you are using to find a guide on how to get the direct link.

[glow=grey]2[/glow]The next step is to integrate it into your post.

You can go ahead and copy paste your direct link straight into your post, highlight it, then press the Image button OR press the Image button first, then copy paste your direct link between the brackets (If you know the code, you can also go ahead and type this in manually).

The image button is highlighted in red:

[glow=grey]3[/glow] Simply submit your post, and your image will have been added.


A correctly linked image will look like this whilst in the post creation area:

An incorrectly linked image will appear like this:

If you find this happening, you have given the URL of the image domain - not the Direct Link.



Imgur is the only one of these services in the guide that doesn't require a download, there are a few more steps and you will need to do them every time you want to upload an image. You will also need an image or a screenshot you have already captured.


[glow=grey]1[/glow] Visit the Imgur Homepage. At the top of the page you will find an option to upload images:

[glow=grey]2[/glow] When you click the Upload Images button you will be presented with an upload screen. You can either drag and drop from the file location, or find it manually via browsing your computer.

Here you can see I've already begun the process of uploading one image, you can tick the box under "Edit" if you'd like to enter the edit screen before uploading. I'm happy with my image so I won't be editing it.

Click "Start Upload" to begin uploading.

[glow=grey]3[/glow] Now you've uploaded your image you will come to the image page. to progress you need the url of the image (not of the image page). To find the url of the image, drag and drop the image into the browser search bar, or find it to the right of your image - this is highlighted in red.



There is already a useful guide on how to use Lightshot so I won't show that in this post.

It can be found here:




Gyazo is my personal favourite, since once it's downloaded, I can also use it to capture screenshots and resize them. There is also a handy draw feature which is nice for highlighting certain points.


[glow=grey]1[/glow] After you've downloaded Gyazo, it's useful to put it in a place with easy access - such as locking it to your dock/taskbar. Simply click the Gyazo Icon and it will allow you to screenshot an area. Just click and drag to size.

[glow=grey]2[/glow] A few seconds after taking your screenshot with Gyazo, it will automatically open a link in your browser in a new tab. Here you can select options to Delete, Draw, Share and Copy Link.

Select Share as shown in red:

<I>Another option here is to simply click and drag the image into the browser search bar.

[glow=grey]3[/glow] Again, like Imgur, we want the direct link for the image to upload properly. So select that here and get it ready for copy & pasting.

Best of luck and Merry Christmas :)

[glow=purple]Locked as Solved[/glow]




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