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Hello everyone.


In addition to reintroducing myself for a community-wide acquaintanceship, I am also hoping to productionally revitalize my content-scripting role; it has been inert for a while, as you may have noticed from my mostly changeless changelog within the past few weeks on the now-disused forums, due to my semstral inactivity with school and other external distractors. While I can leave fulfillable expectations of regularity from my work, I will attempt to concentrate most of my academic and workplace downtime into bolstering the finalizing scriptwork of Johto, alongside my collaborators—the final hurdle before fully publicizing this forthcoming MMO.


I hope to be well-acquainted with you and the rest of the growing community as we're on knocking the frontier of releasing this long-anticipated project—and consequently vitalizing a growth spurt for this anticipatory community.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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