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Lore based Quests and Encounters.


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This is sort of a question, before a suggestion. Thought the thread would work better here for now, wanted to know what people think, including the devs who work on quests, scripting.


Pokemon Revolution is so good, it kept sparking me to want to watch the original pokemon series cartoon with Ash, and just do a marathon. I think I've seen 4 episodes so far, and it is so good. I forgot how much fun it was to watch that cartoon. My question is, would it be fun, to add in encounters.. from the lore, quests from the lore, even if it would cost extra time to put in? (or maybe someone could get recruited to script in the new content?


While the ideas are fresh, after seeing some episodes, I was thinking how awesome it would be to see more of those encounters with Jesse and James early on, (viridian forest). Even though the original pokemon games kept it to a minimum, It would be awesome to delve in with the lore some more, within Pokemon Revolution itself. Here were two ideas, aside from all the meeting Ash had with Team Rocket so early on in the story:


-The Viridian Forest Samurai Trainer Encounter: He has a Metapod, and Pinsor. In order for him to attack you randomly in the forest, you must encounter a Weedle, and weaken the weedle to less than 20% hp. After doing so, a message will pop up, saying Samurai Trainer has interrupted your battle!, and you'll be forced to fight him, and "run away" from weedle. After defeating him (and only if you do), the reward is an escape rope. In lore he pretty much gives Ash a tip to end the battle (they were stalling each other) becuase a hoard of beedrills coming their way. An escape rope would make a sound reward in game.


-Beedrill Hoards: I understand Devs don't want to add in hoards. This is somewhat different. It was exciting in the cartoon, that Hoards were scary, and you didn't want to fight them. You wanted to RUN AWAY. Not some experience farm by far. Weedles can prove to be run away worthy already, that poison sting. Just here me on this. Beedrill hoards would come only on 2 conditions and work very differently:

-Condition 1: You faint a wild weedle.

-Condition 2: A pokemon lvl30 or higher is leading your party.

>Now the fun part. Hard to run away from them, They act as a Trainer with 2-6 pokeballs, random. No extra coding to add in a new feature of hoards. These Beedrills are low exp gain, no evs, or just none at all... They have ?? on their lvls. They are super deadly, and the sole purpose is to send you to the pokecenter crying, saying.. "I shouldn't have fainted that weedle!". You could even build a small quest around it, a one time quest from some guy saying "I bet you can't kill a swarm." And of course a reward if you do. To make it more frightning... disable the option to bring out another pokemon. Yeah, that one pokemon leading your team is all you get to defeat, the swarm. I thought it would be cool. Might make some funny talk ingame..."I kill a weedle and the mother came! Never again"


-Sparow Hoards: Operates just like Beedrill Hoards. I would call it a swarm. That is the lores technical term. Hoards are obviously something else in pokemon games. These would be called Sparrow Swarms, and Beedrill Swarms. Sparow Conditions based on lore:

-Condition 1: Attempt to catch a sparow with a pokeball at full hp and fail.

-Condition 2: There is no condition 2. It's your bad. Get ready.

Sparow will automatically flee. The swarm will encounter you. Operate just like Beedrills.


EDIT: Important. Sparrow swarm award: If you defeat the sparow swarm with pikachu in your party specifically, it increases pika's happiness level greatly, or to full (assuming pika can't learn headbutt). That's what happened in the episode. Pikachu started trusting Ash more after that.


As I watch the cartoon series some more, I can continue to share based on lore, to add in what happens next, like in the story. I just want to know you thoughts? Is it worth it? I wont contest, I prefer more regions, and to finish all 801 pokemon, and movesets. This is just something I wanted to bring up, while watching some episodes. If so, I can create a suggestion thread, and literally update it, after each few episodes with Ash and beyond.


Always, Always, Be Prepared.

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