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Should Have Done This Like 250 hrs ago

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So i'm AzulFox, guild leader of new guild TheOrganization, I should have done this a while ago, as i have about 300 hrs ingame, though a fair few players on RED server know me. So that's bout it see you peeps in game.


Just Letting You Peeples Know I AM ON HIATUS.

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Hello AzulFox and welcome to PRO, good to know you and best of luck for the game :)




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If you are reading this you are awesome, have fun playing with this moral boost ;)


Do not contact staff members for private support, we have awesome ways to support you and others at the same time.

Share the question on forums, as this can then be of use to others.

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333945 I should have done this a while ago, as i have about 300 hrs ingame


Oh well kinda late but still, Welcome ! :Crazy:


Dun worry tho i haven't yet also made an intro ever since. :Smile:





Our present sufferings are not worth comparing

to the glory that will be revealed in us.

-Romans 8:18

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Welcome AzulFox!

Hope that you're enjoying your game so far :3

...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums as they could be useful to others.

Remember to use the correct forum when posting. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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