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Hello xande7ost,


yes Drain Punch is banned, make sure to check all PVP rules ->




  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

335472 To be fair prehax, that thread also says gale wings is banned but its not.


Gale wings isn't banned, using the move fly if you have the ability gale wings is banned due to the mechanics being buggy


Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Bannable

This category is based on the move/ability/item that is not working as intended or in other word the move/ability/item is broken

and can make other party have a loss and has a significant impact in PVP. Here are the list, with explanation included:

Fly and Gale Wings (Fly gets priority in its first phase and looses this priority in its second phase.)

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